Space Race-G.R5

By ras01
  • USSR launches Sputnik 1

    It' s very importants becaouse ti's the first to launches and when one launches then the others can too so that "Thers a briater day tomorrow''.
  • Pioneer 1 is launched to ahighest of 70,00 miales

    If it can go hight then it can go fare, in th fewter it canbe better and powerfull eanuff to go higher
  • Luna 1 is launches by the is the first man made object orbit the sun.

    The sun is a very deddly thing for a man in a man made object to orbit the sun and the man made it after that.when he made it then, Nasa do this more in the fewter andmay be man made with a liveing being and orbit pluto.
  • Tiros 1, the first successfulweather satellite, is launches.

    Some times the weather can affect a launches, it can costproplum and the launche from sisteed to work.
  • Yuri Gagarin orbit the Earth onec and become the first man in space.

    The first man in space menes that the man made objecworked and the man lived and came back to Earth savefty.