Space MIssion Timeline

  • The Poineer Space Mission Launched

    Until August 8 1978
  • Venera Probes Mission

    There was 16 missions, they wanted all these missions to try to take colored pictures from space of Venus, and the Russion's were very curious about Venus.
  • Marniner Program

    Went through 1962-1973
    Mariner 3 was launched 6/14/1967
  • The Space Stations Launched

    Returned on Otober 11,1971
  • Viking Probes Mission

    Two different spaceships and they wanted to study mars surface and the atmosphere orbit around it.
  • Voyager #1 & #2

    Used to view Jupiter an Saturn, but could also be used to view the outer planets. It went farther into space than anything else has ever in space before.
  • Space Shuttles

    Alternative to space exploration before they came up with a rocket.
  • Genesis Spacecraft Mission Launched

    The spacecraft was in earth for 886 days.
  • Magellan Space Program

    Crashed into Venus on October 11, 1994.
  • Gallelo Mission Launched

  • Hubble Telescope Launched

    Took about 3 years to be fixed and was expected to orbit in space until 2014.
  • N.E.A.R Expedition Launched

    The mission was a flyby to take samples for geography to study and take photos.
  • The Mars Rover

    So journer landed successfully when other beforehand ships failed.
  • Sputnik, Merucry, and Gemini Program

    The sputnik program was the first satelitte to go into space was the first date.
    The Murcury program was to find humans in space, austronaunts, and safety for both. That happened in May 1961.
    Gemini Progream was to get humans in space, helped with moon landings. Which happened on April 19, 1966.
    These were all the beginning of space exploration and fasination.
  • Cassini Huygens Mission Launched

    The spacecraft is still orbiting around earth today.