Space exploration timeline

By Ck20325
  • First telescope built by Galileo

    First telescope built by Galileo
  • First time Galileo looked into the sky

    First time Galileo looked into the sky
  • First reflecting telescope built by Sir Isaac Newton

    First reflecting telescope built by Sir Isaac Newton
    A reflecting telescope has a concave mirror
  • First flight to exceed three times the speed of light

    First flight to exceed three times the speed of light
  • First close up image of Mars

    First close up image of Mars
  • The USSR launched Sputnik 1

    The USSR launched Sputnik 1
  • Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States

    Explorer 1 was the first satellite launched by the United States
  • A soviet cosmonaut became first human in space and in orbit

    A soviet cosmonaut became first human in space and in orbit
  • Russian cosmonaut yuri Gargin became first human in space

    Russian cosmonaut yuri Gargin became first human in space
  • First men were on the moon

    First men were on the moon
    The first men on the moon were Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
  • Columbia became the first space shuttle to be launched

    Columbia became the first space shuttle to be launched
  • Astronaut Bruce Mccanales became first man to take a untethered space walk

    Astronaut Bruce Mccanales became first man to take a untethered space walk
  • The space shuttle challenger disintegrated in mid-air

    The space shuttle challenger disintegrated in mid-air
  • First telescope in space: the Hubble telescope

    First telescope in space: the Hubble telescope
  • The space endeavor made the first servicing mission on the Hubble space telescope

    The space endeavor made the first servicing mission on the Hubble space telescope