Space Exploration 1609-1957

By jclf123
  • Publication of Principia

    Sir Isaac Newton publishes the Philosophae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
  • Soviet Rocket Society Established

    Soviet Rocket Society Established
    The Soviet Union establishes the Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel. This group would soon be renamed the Society for the Study of Interplanetary Communications and would become the first Soviet rocket society
  • First Liquid Fueled Rocket Launched

    U.S. rocket scientist Robert H. Goddard launches the first liquid fueled rocket from his Aunt Effie's farm in Auburn, Massachusetts.
  • First Suborbital Flight

    Germany successfully launches their V-2 rocket. It is the first man-made object to achieve sub-orbital spaceflight.
  • First U.S. High Altitude Flight

    The U.S. military achieves its first high-altitude space flight using a rebuilt German V-2 rocket.
  • First American-Designed Rocket Reaches Space

    The United States launches its first American-designed rocket. Known as the Wac Corporal, the rocket reaches the edge of space at an altitude of 50 miles.
  • First Animals in Space

    Fruit flies become the first animals in space as a V-2 rocket is launched from the White Sands Proving Ground. Inside are several vials containing fruit flies, rye seeds, and cotton seeds.
  • First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

    First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
    The Soviet Union launches the first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).
  • First Artificial Satellite

    The USSR beat the United States into space by launching Sputnik 1. At 184 pounds, it was the world's first artificial satellite.
  • First Live Animal in Space

    First Live Animal in Space
    Following the success of Sputnik 1, the Soviets launched Sputnik 2 on November 3, 1957. The spacecraft contained a pressurized container that housed a dog named Laika. The capsule contained a controlled atmosphere, food supply, waste collection system and biological sensors.