Space Exploration Timeline 1609-1957

By CY19377
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration Timeline 1609 - 1957

  • Publication of Principia

    Publication of Principia
    Astronomer Sir Isaac Newtion published the Philosophae Naturalis Principia. This work highlighted his three laws of motion, including his law of universal gravitation. This is considered to be one of the most important works ever in the history of scientific discovery.
  • Soviet Union establishes First Rocket Society

    The first rocket society the Soviet Union established was Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel. It was renamed to the Society for the Study of Interplanetary Communications.
  • First Liquid Rocket

    Robert H. Goddard, a US rocket scientist, launched the first liquid fueled rocket. The four feet tall rocket was launched from his aunt's farm in Auburn, Massachussetts. The rocket, named "Nell", reached an altitude of 41 feet at a speed of around 60 miles per hour. The flight lasted for 2 1/2 seconds.
  • First Suborbital Flight

    The V-2 rocket, designed by rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, was launched by Germany. It was the first man-made spacecraft to achieve sub-orbital flight. It reached an altitude of 100 kilometers.
  • First U.S High Altitude Flight

    Using a rebuilt German V-2 rocket, launched from Proving Ground in New Mexico, the US military accomplishes it's first high-altitude space flight, reaching an altitude of 70 miles.
  • First American-designed Rocket Reaches Space

    The Wac Corporal was the US's first rocket to be launched that was designed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. After being launched from White Sands Proving Grond, New Mexico, Wac Corporal covered 50 miles of altitude.
  • First Animal in Space

    The first animals to got out to space were fruit flies. The V-2 rocket had several small glass bottles that contained fruit flies, rye seeds, and cotton seeds. Biologist Sharmila of NASA's Ames Research Center explains that since fruit flies and humans are alike. Therefore, fruit flies were sent into space to be tested--what would happen to the human body if they were to stay in space too long.
  • First Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

    The first intercontinental ballistic missile, named R7 Senyorka, was launched by the Soviet Union. It covered a total distance of 6000 kilometers. A modified version would be used to send the world's first artificial satellite into orbit.
  • First Artificial Satellite

    First Artificial Satellite
    The USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik. It was able to send radio signals back to earth. Sputnik was a major accomplishment despite it's short timespan in space.
  • First Live Animal in Space

    First Live Animal in Space
    The Soviet Union launched a spacecraft, Sputnik 2, that had a living dog named Laika. It was inside a pressured container that had a controlled atmosphere, food supply, waste collection, and biological sensors. This proved that animals can go into space.