south africa timeline

  • policy of apartheid

    Policy of apartheid (separateness) adopted when National Party (NP) takes power
  • population classified by race

    Population classified by race. Group Areas Act passed to segregate blacks and whites. Communist Party banned. ANC responds with campaign of civil disobedience, led by Nelson Mandela.
  • 70 black men killed

    Seventy black demonstrators killed at Sharpeville. ANC banned.
  • south africa declared republic

    South Africa declared a republic, leaves the Commonwealth. Mandela heads ANC's new military wing, which launches sabotage campaign.
  • nelson mandela sentenced to life

    ANC leader Nelson Mandela sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • prime minister killed

    Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd assassinated.
  • forced to black homeland

    More than 3 million people forcibly resettled in black 'homelands'
  • 600 killed in clashes

    More than 600 killed in clashes between black protesters and security forces during uprising which starts in Soweto.
  • township revolt

    Township revolt, state of emergency.
  • FW de Klerk replaces PW Botha as president,

    FW de Klerk replaces PW Botha as president, meets Mandela. Public facilities desegregated. Many ANC activists freed.
  • ANC unbanned

    ANC unbanned, Mandela released after 27 years in prison. Namibia becomes independent.
  • Start of multi-party talks

    Start of multi-party talks. De Klerk repeals remaining apartheid laws, international sanctions lifted. Major fighting between ANC and Zulu Inkatha movement.
  • Agreement on interim constitution.

    Agreement on interim constitution.
  • ANC wins general elections

    ANC wins general elections, Thabo Mbeki takes over as president.
  • High Court rules

    High Court rules that pregnant women must be given Aids drugs to help prevent transmission of the virus to their babies.