Sound of tunder

Sound Of Thunder

  • Eckels meets with time machine business

    Eckels meets with time machine business
    Eckles talks with the men about the election and then pays to go on the safari to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex .
  • They travel

    They travel
    Travis quickly explains all the rules to all the hunters and they travel through time to A.D 1957. Men are also told repeatedly NOT TO LEAVE PATH!!
  • Getting out of the time machine

    Getting out of the time machine
    Once out of time machine they see path and Travis explains to hunters the butterfly effect if they step off. Travis also explains how and why they choose the marked animals.
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex

    Tyrannosaurus Rex
    They spot the T-Rex and Travis assigns Eckle to be the first hunter to shoot, but Eckle gets frightened because of the T-Rex's size and bails.
  • Eckle gets introuble

    Eckle gets introuble
    Since Eckle leaves, and goes off the path Travis and the other hunters are left to kill the dinosaur with panic.
  • After T-Rex is killed

    After T-Rex is killed
    Travis yells at Eckles and threatens to leave him there, but then he offers him a deal to go take the bullets out of the Dinosaur in return for a ride home.
  • The bullets

    The bullets
    Travis makes Eckles get the bullets from the inside of the dinosaur and they travel back to present time.
  • The sign

    The sign
    When all the hunters and Travis get back to present day, they notice that the business sign is mispelled. They ask who won the election and when Deutscher is announced they know that everything is changed,
  • The butterfly

    The butterfly
    Eckles realizes that the butterfly that he stepped on is the cause for all the change.
  • Eckles dies

    Eckles dies
    Travis is extremely angry with Eckles for what he has done and so he puts a gun to his head and, " there was a sound of thunder"