Social Studies

By kjsy13
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison invented the movie camera in the year of 1891. He originally called this camera the Kinetograph. This camera takes many photos in a row. This is done to create the illusion that the pictures are moving. In conclusion. Edison invented the Kinetograph, better known as the movie camera, in the year of 1891.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office for the Untied States of America Presidency on September 14, 1901. Typically the oath of office is given in February. Roosevelt took it in September because of the fact that he was replacing a dead president.Roosevelt had large shoes to full because of this fact.He was known for his ability to make peace in any situation just like with the Square Deal that will come across later.In conclusion Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States.
  • Square Deal

    Square Deal
    The Square Deal was reached in the year of 1902. Approaching the winter of 1902 there was a coal shortage in the United States of America. This was because of the fact that the coal miners did not want to work for harsh bosses who owned the mines. Roosevelt came to the rescue. He called a meeting for both sides at the White House. The agreement that they came to became known as the square deal because of the worth on both sides. That winter coal workers were back in the mines getting coal.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    Test FlightIn the year of 1903 the Wright Brothers flew the first manned flight. This flight was at the site called Kill Devil Hills which is in North Carolina. This affected the nation because it showed them that flight is possible. In conclusion, the Wright Brothers in 1903 flew at Kill Devil Hills for the first ever manned flight.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary speeches were given before congress in 1905. These speeches stated that we had to follow the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was the original bylaws for the country saying that the United States of America is closed to further colonization. Roosevelt wanted congress to pay attention to that the bylaws said the government must do what the people would most want. In conclusion the Roosevelt Corollary stated that we should follow the Monroe Doctrine.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    The book, The Jungle, came out in the year of 1906. The book is written by Upton Sinclair, an American journalist who was interested in the path of immigrants. He wrote the book following immigrants though the urban city of Chicago. This was a big deal at the time because it was one of the first books to talk about the bad conditions immigrants had to deal with when they came to America to work. In conclusion, the book The Jungle came out in 1906 by Upton Sinclair.
  • Muckraking

    Muckraking was first widely known used in a speech by Theodore Roosevelt on 4/16/1906.This term refers to the style of journalism that includes giving accurate depictions of how life was during this period. One famous Muckraker was Jacob Riis. He used photos to show the horrible living conditions back then.He was originally Danish so he felt as though this was horrible compared to back home.In conclusion, muckraking was the style of journalism that Theodore Roosevelt first mentioned in 1906.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist fire
    The Triangle Shirtwaist fire was on the date of March 25, 1911. On this date there was a fire at a local factory. Inside the factory their were many young workers aged 13 to 23. They were not able to get out because the doors to the stairs where padlocked. This caused uproar around the community. This made the government make restrictions about doors being locked during business hours. In conclusion from this factory fire in 1911, the government made many new laws about safety at work.
  • Progressive Party

    Progressive Party
    The Progressive Party first came about in the year of 1912. The new party also came with the new ideas of having businesses in the best manner for the overall good of the nation. To the thought of the businesses being for the best manner for the nation means that the monopolies need to not be a part of our economic system in the United States of America. In conclusion the Progressive Party is trying to do what is in the best interest of the American People.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    The 16th was passed on March 15, 1913. This Amendment to the United States Constitution says that Congress is able to collect income tax from the citizens of the citizens of the United States of America. These income taxes can be overruled by the states if they make higher taxes that make the same amount of tax money for the national government. In conclusion in 1913 the 16th Amendment was passed for the citizens of the United Sates which makes there be income tax.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The 17th was passed in the year of 1913 as well.This Amendment states that there will be two senators per state. To the first point it makes there be an established tradition that all states will have equal representation. It also created a procedure to fill vacancies. In conclusion the 17th was passed for the reasons of equal senate and the overall good.
  • Compulsory Education Required

    Compulsory Education Required
    In 1918 all of the states of the United States of America had enacted the requirement for a compulsory education. The first state to enact this idea was the state of Massachusetts in the year of 1852. Other states took a long time to enact this until the state of Mississippi enacted this in 1918. If parents did not send their child to school they were fined. In conclusion the compulsory education of the American Citizens was enacted by all states in the year of 1918.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The 18th was passed in the year of 1919. This Amendment to the United States Constitution says that the trade, making of, or travel though the United States with Alcohol is now illegal. This was created because of the fact that many states already had put laws in place against this. These States just needed the support from the national government to get the point across. This is also known as prohibition.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The 19th was passed in the year of 1919. This Amendment to the United States Constitution states that anyone regardless of sex can vote. This is a great amendment because of the fact that people had been pursing for this for 41 years before it was finally passed. I think that this took way too long because of the fact that Congress was too scared to allow women to vote because their jobs would be on the line. In conclusion after 41 years, in 1919 the 19th Amendment passed.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition VideoProhibition came into effect one year after the 18th amendment was passed on the date January 16, 1920. This meant that after this date the making, sale, and travel though the United States of America of alcohol is banned. This was a hard time for the citizens of the nation because of the fact of the risen crime rates. The crime rates rose because everyone wanted to get their hands on alcohol.