Social Media timeline

  • Creation of MySpace

    Felt like the first real popular way for people to communicate online other than chat rooms.
  • Period: to


    A look at the history of social media
  • Creation of YouTube

    Starts out as a way to post homemade videos or just comedy type bits
  • Creation of Facebook

    The website that started the official social media craze, most popular with older generations
  • Creation of Twitter

    Didn’t get too popular until the 2010’s but was created shortly after Facebook. Now one of the most popular SM sites, especially with the youth
  • Creation of Instagram

    The next most popular SM site to only YouTube due to flexibility. Used heavily by both creators such as artists and photographers along with business to promote products and other various interests
  • Creation of SnapChat

    Essentially has become the new texting and quick update platfrom
  • Revolution of YouTube

    YouTube has become a way to share and promote everything and has become more business oriented after first being basically just comedy or homemade video use