Social Media Disruptions

  • Occupy Wall Street

    Occupy Wall Street
    Twitter and Facebook were primarily used. Videos and posts were made to twitter to promote the demonstration, and call people to action. They also created a hashtag which was strategic for their movement.
  • Je Suis Charlie

    Je Suis Charlie
    Following the Paris attacks on a magazine company, the slogan Je Suis Charlie was adopted on social media. It was originally posted on Twitter, where the strategic hashtag went viral.
  • Standing Rock Protest

    Standing Rock Protest
    Facebook was heavily used in the efforts of the Standing Rock Protest. Facebook live videos were posted of the protestors and police stand-off which gained a lot of support from people. Instagram and twitter were also utilized with the use of hashtags to keep tabs on the protest efforts.
  • Love Wins

    Love Wins
    Twitter was used in the Love Wins protest following the Orlando shooting at a LGBTQ Bar. People utilized the #lovewins hashtag to rally together in support of the LGBTQ community.
  • Me Too

    Me Too
    Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were utilized for this movement, and the hashtag Me Too was the strategy. People retweeted or reposted each others messages, with their own story about their experience with sexual assault.