Social Media Disruptions

  • Ice Bucket Challenge

    Ice Bucket Challenge
    In an effort to raise awareness and money for ALS. challenged people all over the world to participate in dumping ice water on their head to show what it feels like to have ALS. then motivated the people to donate and challenge friends to do the ice bucket as well. Used all over Instagram, Twitter and facebook.
  • #EllensSelfie

    Ellen was hosting the Oscars and was with some of her other celebrity friends. She took a selfie with tons of A list celebs and posted it on twitter. Within minutes it destroyed records of tweets and gained millions of retweets and favorites. Twitter was the main media platform used.
  • #LoveWins

    spread the word about gay marriage in an effort to make it legal and supported by the public. Used Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
  • #DressLikeAWoman

    All about gendered clothing and not conforming to gender norms. Used Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • #SayHerName

    in response to the black lives matter movement. Used Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.