Social Emotional Development

  • Baby is born

  • Fear in Infants

    Around 6 months the baby starts to develop 2 kinds of fear: Fear of unknown adults and Fear learned from direct experiences or techniques.
  • Anger in Infants

    Babies develop anger around 8 or 9 months. They direct their anger towards a person or an object. The way they express their anger is through physical ways. Like hitting, grabbing, or shaking something or someone. Babies may get anger for being held against their will, getting a toy taken away, or their needs are not getting met right away.
  • Anxiety in Infants

    Anxiety: fear of possible events
    Anxiety is seen in babies when they are between 10-12 months. The first anxiety babies experience is separation anxiety, being away from their parent.
  • Fear in toddlers

    Fear in toddlers often start to happen after the age of 2 because they know about more things to fear. They also imagine things to fear like monsters. Some other fears are bad people. darkness, nightmares, etc. Toddlers may act out their fears instead of talking about them. To help this parents should limit the amount of television toddlers watch.
  • Anxiety in Toddlers

    Separation anxiety continues on through the toddler years. For some it gets better if the parent increase the child's language skills and they explain to them that they will be back. Parents should also make sure that while they are gone their child is being well taken care of. To deal with separation anxiety children may have nightmares of being left alone.
  • Anger in Toddlers

    Toddlers develop emotional outbursts that are called temper tantrums when they are angry. These happen around age 2. They may on the floor, kick, cry, and scream during a temper tantrum. To deal with this parents sometimes have to ignore them until they stop and after give them love and reassurance.
  • Fear and Anxiety in Preschoolers

    Toddler fear leave around the age of 4 and other fears start to develop. Boys start to develop more fears and girls start to develop more intense reactions to the few fears they have. Fears like the fear of vacuums, fear of being physically hurt, fear of the dentist or getting shots. Those fear turn into general anxiety.
  • Anger and Aggression in Preschoolers

    The expression of preschoolers anger and aggression change after the age of 3 or 4. They start to yell and threaten more. Boys tend to be more physical and girls tend to be more verbal. Their anger is more directed towards siblings and close friends. They show aggression and anger to get attention or to intentionally hurt someone. Also objects or things that they can't do right.