Where is canada 440

Social and Cultural Injustices In Canada

  • The Indian Act

    The Indian Act
    In 1886 the government decided that they wanted to control the first nations persons' from the day they were born to the day they died. They didn't have the same rights as the Europeans until 1960.This was called the Indian Act.
  • Residential Schools

    Residential Schools
    After The Indian Act was established, the government decided it would be easier to mould children by putting them into residential schools. These schools were for Indian children only, funded by the government but ran by the churches. Children were taken from their homes and forced to cut all ties from their family, and culture. They weren't even allowed to speak their own language, if they did they were punished. Many children were physically and sexually abused.
  • Aboriginal Potlatches Illegal

    Aboriginal Potlatches Illegal
  • The Chinese Head Tax

    The Chinese Head Tax
    Once the rail road was finished in 1885,the government found that they didn't have any use for Chinese people. They started charging the immigrants $50 to enter Canada. Then in 1903 they increases it to $500 per person.
  • Hindus in BC Denied the right to vote

    Hindus in BC Denied the right to vote
  • Manitoba Government Abolishes Bilingual Instruction

    Manitoba Government Abolishes Bilingual Instruction
  • Wartimes Elections Act Excludes Minorities The Vote

    Wartimes Elections Act Excludes Minorities The Vote
  • Black men refused service

    Black men refused service
    In 1921 a theater owner refused to allow black people to sit in the orchestra seats in his theater. The Quebec Court allowed this behavior and found it acceptable because it was the man's theater.
  • The Chinese Immigration Act

    The Chinese Immigration Act
  • Restricts Immigration of Jewish refugees

    Restricts Immigration of Jewish refugees
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
  • Yukon First Nations are Relocated

    Yukon First Nations are Relocated
  • Sayisi Dene are Relocated

    Sayisi Dene are Relocated
  • Adoption Scoop of First Nations/Metis Children

    Adoption Scoop of First Nations/Metis Children
    From 1960 to 1980, the government felt that the First Nations couldn't handle raising children on their own and needed help. Therefore they took their children and put them into white people's homes.