Bi smartwatches ab 1587144080

Smart watch Evolution

  • Period: to

    88 Years of Smart Watch evolution

  • 1927: Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator

    1927: Plus Four Wristlet Route Indicator
    In 1927 this watch was made for the soul purpose of getting you from point A to B. There was not GPS built into this watch, however simply slot your map into the watch, and it would help you navigate your way around!
  • 1972: Pulsar

    1972: Pulsar
    50 years later! And the Pulsar watch was made so that you could push a certain button and see the digital time set on it.
  • 1982: Seiko TV Watch

    1982: Seiko TV Watch
    For this watch to work and for you to see the grainy shades of grey show up, you needed an adapter and reciever box.
  • 1983: Seiko Data-2000

    1983: Seiko Data-2000
    This smart "watch" acted as a calendar and calculator although you had to have a clip on keyboard with it!
  • 1995: Seiko MessageWatch

    1995: Seiko MessageWatch
    This Seiko MessageWatch is as close of as the apple watch we have today! Only made 20 years before. The watch had various functions like displaying caller IDs, showing sports scores, stock prices and the forecast.
  • 2003: Garmin Forerunner

    2003: Garmin Forerunner
    The Garmin Forerunner had features like measuring your speed, distance taken, pace, calories burned. Only way to get this watch working is a couple of AAA batteries.
  • 2015: Apple Watch

    2015: Apple Watch
    88 years later! We come to the Apple smart watch. With various functions like, GPS, fitness tracking, receiving messages/calls and calendar planning!