SLMiller Banking History Timeline

By SatchM
  • The Bank of North America opens

  • The First Bank of the United States opens

  • The Currency Crisis of 1797

  • Napoleon founds the Bank of France

  • First Bank of the US Expires

  • The Second Bank of the United States opens

  • Government funding in the Bank of the US stops

    President Jackson issues an executive order to stop the deposit of government funds into the Bank of the US
  • Second Bank of the US Expires

  • Michigan Act of 1837

    The Michigan Act of 1837 allows the chartering of banks that would fulfill its requirements without consent of the state's legislature
  • The Bank Charter Act of 1844 is passed

  • National Banking Acts of 1863 and 1864

  • State Banks Adopt Checking Accounts

  • Coinage Act of 1873

  • The Panic of 1893

  • Failed push for bimetallism

    William Jennings Bryan attempted to make bimetallism become a thing, but was ultimately unsuccessful with his presidential campaign
  • The Knickerbocker Crisis

    The NYSE fell nearly 50% from its peak in 1906, causing mass panic and creating a time of economic recession
  • The Federal Reserve Act is passed

  • The McFadden Act is enacted

    This act sought to give national banks equality with state banks
  • The Great Depression occurs

  • Federal Credit Union Act is signed

    This act allows the creatino of federally chartered credit unions in the US