Slavery From 1790-1860

By 303bob
  • Second Great Awakening

    This was a religious revival among both black and white southerners. African Americans founded their own churches and the number of black preachers, teachers, and converts grew rapidly.
  • Bill of Rights Ratified

  • The Cotton Gin was Invented

    The Cotton Gin was Invented
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, reshaping the farming industry.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    Poor farmers dont want to pay the tax for the distillation of whiskey. Washington sent troops and crushed the rebelliion, showing his dedication to the preservation of the union.
  • Jay's Treaty

    The US will nott trade with ports opened during war time that were closed during peace time, Britain will leave forts and allow US to trade in Asia.
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Free US navigation of the Mississppi River, Florida, US drops claims to Texas.
  • John Adams Elected

    Federalist, defeatef Thomas Jefferson
  • The XYZ Affair

    France attacks American ships and makes unreasonable demands.
  • Alien & Sedition Acts

    It is illegal to say or publish anyhting against the government.
  • Period: to

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Gave states the right to nullify laws if unconstitutional; anti-Alien & Sedition Acts
  • Gabriel's Rebllion Discovered and Failed

    Gabriel Prosser, a slave preacher and blacksmith, organized 1000 slaves for an attack on Richmond, VA.
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected

    His election marks the peaceful transition of power from Federalist to Republican.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Thomas Jefferson doubled the US in size after purchasing the US territory from Napoleon.
  • New Jersey Ends Slavery

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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark are sent by Thomas Jefferson to map the Lousiana Territory.
  • Virginia Tightens Law on Manumission of Slaves

  • Robert Fulton Builds the First Steamboat

  • The Embargo Act

    Trade with Britain and France is banned in an attempt to get them to acknowledge American neutrality.
  • Congress Bans the Importation of Slaves

    National opinion of slavery is changing, and the South continues to be outnumbered by the North in the House.
  • Nonintercourse Act

    All trade with Britain and France resumes.
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    The War of 1812

    This war finally ended opinions of American dependence.
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    "Alabama Fever"

    White Southerners migrate west in masses, bringing their slaves with them, as more and more land is required for cotton production.
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    The Missouri Crisis

    Debate over whether Missouri should be a slave state or a free state causes a crisis. The Missouri Compromise is made further dividing the North and South.
  • Denmark Vesey's Conspriracy in Charleston

    Rebels planned to seize control of Charleston and escape to freedom in Haiti. They were betrayed by other slaves, and 75 conspirators were executed.
  • Nat Turner's Revolt

    Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in Southhampton County, Virginia, killing five white people.
  • William Lloyd Garrison Publishes "The Liberator"

    This anti-slavery newspaper causes the British to abolish slavery on their West Indies sugar plantations.
  • Period: to

    The Trail of Tears

    Southern indians are moved west to Indian Territiory in Oklahoma.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    Southern states begin to declare national laws "null and void" within their boundaries. Many states, starting with South Carolina, to call for secession.
  • Virginia Legislatire Defeats a Measure for Gradual Emancipation

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    "Flush Times"

    A second migration of white southerners and their slaves occurs.
  • Britain Frees Slaves Throughout its Empire

  • Charelston Crowd Burns Abolitionist Literature

    This is an example of the southerners baarreicading themselves against "outside" antislavery literature.
  • Tightening of Black Codes Completed by Southern Legislatures

    Free African Americans are stripped of all civil rights except for property ownership.
  • James Henry Hammond anounces to Congress Thart Slavery is not Evil

    Hammond claims slavery produced "the highest toned, the purest, the best organizationof society that ever existed on the face of the earth.
  • Congress Passes the "Gag Rule"

    The "Gag Rule" was passed to prevent congressional consideration of abolitionist petitions and debate about slavery in the South.
  • The Amistead Case

    Thirty-six African slaves comitted mutiny and were tried for murder on the high seas. The court ruled that under Spanish law, the Mendians were consideered free men and were sent back to Africa.
  • William Gregg Opens Modern Textile Mill, Graniteville, SC

    Gregg attempted to diversify the Southern economy an bring work for poor whites, but his ideas were rejected the wealthy.
  • Clay's Compromise of 1850 Passes

    California enters the Union as a free state, slavery in other areas is determined by popular sovereignity, the slave trade is banned in Washington, and the Fugitive Slave Law is strengthened.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is Published by Harriet Beecher Stowe

    This book shed the light on the true side of slavery, changing people's opinion in the North and causing outrage in the South.
  • George Fitzhugh Publishes Sociology for the South, a defense of slavery

  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act is Passed

    The Act creates states for a Railroad to travel west to. Slavery in the states is determined by popular sovereignity, causing the North to fear the overturn of the Missouri Compromise.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    Many are killed in Kansas over slavery conflicts.
  • The Potowatomie Massacre

    John Brown kills for pro-slavery people.
  • Lawerence Mob Violence

    Abolitionist materials are burned.
  • Hanton Helper Publishes The Impending Crisis, an attack on slavery

  • The Dredd Scott Decision

    Slaves are ruled as property to be taken anywhere, allowing slavery in the North, and the Missouri Compromise is ruled unconstitiutional.
  • James henry Hammond Gives his "King Cotton" Speech

    He claims slavery is a social necessity.
  • The Free Port Doctrine

    The Dredd Scott decision must be enforced.
  • Harpers Ferry

    John Brown raids Harpers Ferry to free slaves.