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  • Earthquake in Morocco

    Earthquake in Morocco
    In 1960 on Febuary 29th, there was an earthquake in Morocco that killed 12000 people in 15 seconds
  • John F Kennedy became Presedent of United States of America

    John F Kennedy became Presedent of United States of America
    in 1961, John F Kennedy became the Presedent of the United States of America.
  • 7th Soccer World cup in England

    7th Soccer World cup in England
    On May 30th the 7th Soccer World cup was held in England.
  • John F Kennedy was Assasinated.

    John F Kennedy was Assasinated.
    On November 22nd 1963 John F Kennedy was Assasinated.
  • Construction was underway for the World Trade Center.

    Construction was underway for the World Trade Center.
    On 18th of July, the World Trade Center had started being built.
  • US troops built up in Vietnam

    US troops built up in Vietnam
  • France withdraws from NATO

    France withdraws from NATO
  • China explodes hydrogeon bomb

    China explodes hydrogeon bomb
  • American Protests against Vietnam

    American Protests against Vietnam
  • Richard NIxon became American Presedent

    Richard NIxon became American Presedent