Significant Events in Aboriginal History

By mur0008
  • How The Stolen Generations Started

    How The Stolen Generations Started
    How would you like to be taken away from your family and culture and put with a family completely different from you. Well this is how the stolen generations felt and some thought this was a good idea. To find out more click here
  • Day Of Mourning

    Day Of Mourning
    "We appeal to the Australian nation of today to make new laws for the education and care of Aborigines. We ask for a new policy which will raise our people to full citizen status and equality within the community." The indigenous people of Australia said as they marched through the streets of Sydney trying to get rights for aboriginals all around Australia. To find out more click here
  • When Uluru Was Handed Back

    When Uluru Was Handed Back
    Uluru has always been a sacred place to the Anangu people but it hasn't always been theirs. 150 years ago British explorers claimed Uluru and named it Ayers Rock. In 1985 though it was given back on a condition that the Anangu people would lease it to the government for 99 years. To find out for click here
  • The First Indigenous Football Round

    The First Indigenous Football Round
    The indigenous people of Australia have been playing marngrook, a game very similar to AFL for decades. The founder of AFL, Tom Wills, grew up in a small aboriginal village. Did he come up with the idea himself, or get it from the aboriginals? We didn't acknowledge the aboriginals in AFL until 2005. To find out more click here
  • Kevin Rudd's Apology

    Kevin Rudd's Apology
    On February 13th 2008, Kevin Rudd made a national apology to the Stolen Generation which was one of the first steps towards equal rights between aboriginals and whites. One of his quoted sentences was "For the pain, suffering and hurt, we say sorry". If you want to know more click here