
Deadliest U.S. Mass Shootings

By NolanCJ
  • Period: to


  • 10-11 killed at Pontiac's Rebellion school

    The earliest known shooting in the U.S., 4 Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse and shot and killed all but two.
  • Emma Connelly shoots and kills John Steedly

    The first shooting in South Carolina, she shot him for "circulating slanderous reports" about her.
  • The first known mass shooting

    70 year old James Foster fired a shotgun at a group of students in the playground of St. Mary's Parochial School in New York, causing minor injuries to several of the students.
  • The deadliest mass shooting

    Andrew Kehoe, after killing his wife and destroying his house and farm, blew up Bath Consolidated School by detonating dynamite in the basement of the school, killing 38 people, mostly children. He then pulled up to the school in his Ford, blew the car up, and killed himself and four others. Only one shot was fired (to blow up the dynamite in the car.
  • JULY 18, 1984

    21 killed, 19 wounded: San Ysidro, Calif. James Oliv­er Huberty, a 41-year-old out-of-work se­cur­ity guard, kills 21 em­ploy­ees and cus­tom­ers at a Mc­Don­ald’s res­taur­ant. Huberty is fatally shot by a po­lice sniper perched on the roof of a nearby post of­fice.
  • Portland Junior High School

    In Portland, Connecticut the principal was having a heated discussion with a 13 year old eight grader, when the boy pulled out a 9mm assault rifle, and shot the secretary in the left forearm and injured the principal with glass from the glass door. He then fled to second floor where he shot the janitor in the head and took a seventh grader hostage. His father and another family member talked to him over the intercom and, after 45 minutes, he threw his gun out a window and was taken into custody.
  • The Cokeville Elementary School Hostage Crisis

    In a ransom scheme, David and Doris Young, both in their forties, took 150 students and teachers hostage. Their demand for $300 million came to an end when Doris set off a bomb that killed him and injured 78 students and teachers. David wounded John Miller, a teacher that tried to escape, then killed himself.
  • AUGUST 20, 1986

    Aug. 20, 1986 14 killed, 6 wounded: Edmond, Okla. Patrick H. Sher­rill, 44, a mail car­ri­er, walks in­to his post of­fice and opens fire, killing 14 cowork­ers and wound­ing six oth­ers be­fore killing him­self with a bul­let to the head. Sher­rill, who faced pos­sible dis­missal, had been giv­en a poor per­form­ance re­port by his su­per­visor the pre­vi­ous day.
  • 5 killed, 29 injured; Stockton, Calif.

    Jan. 17, 1989 5 killed, 29 injured; Stockton, Calif. Patrick Ed­ward Purdy turns a power­ful as­sault rifle on a crowded school play­ground, killing five chil­dren and wound­ing 29 more. Purdy, who also killed him­self, had been a stu­dent at the school from kinder­garten through third grade. Po­lice of­fi­cials de­scribed Purdy as a troubled drift­er in his mid-20s with a his­tory of re­l­at­ively minor brushes with the law. The mid­day at­tack las­ted only minutes.
  • 10 killed, 4 wounded: Jacksonville, Fla.

    June 18, 1990 10 killed, 4 wounded: Jacksonville, Fla. James E. Pough, a 42-year-old day laborer ap­par­ently dis­traught over the re­pos­ses­sion of his car, walks in­to the of­fices of Gen­er­al Mo­tors Ac­cept­ance Corp. and opens fire, killing sev­en em­ploy­ees and one cus­tom­er be­fore fatally shoot­ing him­self. Po­lice later said they had con­firmed that Pough was re­spons­ible for gun­ning down a man and wo­man on a Jack­sons­ville street 33 hours earli­er.
  • 22 killed, 20 wounded: Killeen, Texas

    Oct. 16, 1991 22 killed, 20 wounded: Killeen, Texas George Jo Hennard, 35, crashes his pickup truck in­to a Luby’s cafet­er­ia crowded with lunch­time pat­rons and be­gins fir­ing in­dis­crim­in­ately with a semi­auto­mat­ic pis­tol, killing 22 people. Hennard is later found dead of a gun­shot wound in a res­taur­ant re­stroom.
  • 4 killed, 2 injured: Iowa City, Iowa

    4 killed, 2 injured: Iowa City, Iowa
    Nov. 1, 1991 4 killed, 2 injured: Iowa City, Iowa Gang Lu, a gradu­ate stu­dent in phys­ics from China, shoots four people to death at the Uni­versity of Iowa. Lu, who took his own life in the in­cid­ent, was up­set about not get­ting an aca­dem­ic hon­or. The dead in­cluded fac­ulty mem­bers and the stu­dent who had won the hon­or. Two oth­ers were crit­ic­ally wounded.
  • 4 killed, 10 wounded: Olivehurst, Calif.

    May 1, 1992 4 killed, 10 wounded: Olivehurst, Calif. Eric Hou­s­ton, a 20-year-old un­em­ployed com­puter as­sem­bler, in­vades Lindhurst High School and opens fire, killing his former teach­er Robert Brens and three stu­dents and wound­ing 10 oth­ers. He holds 85 stu­dents host­age for 8 1/2 hours be­fore giv­ing him­self up. Hou­s­ton was con­victed in Ju­ly 1993 on four counts of murder. He is cur­rently on death row at San Quentin State Pris­on.
  • 8 killed, 6 injured: San Francisco

    8 killed, 6 injured: San Francisco
    July 1, 1993 8 killed, 6 injured: San Francisco Gi­an Luigi Ferri, 55, kills eight people in an of­fice build­ing in San Fran­cisco’s fin­an­cial dis­trict. His ram­page be­gins in the 34th-floor of­fices of Pet­tit & Mar­tin, an in­ter­na­tion­al law firm, and ends in a stair­well between the 29th and 30th floors where he en­coun­ters po­lice and shoots him­self.
  • 6 killed, 19 injured: Garden City, N.Y.

    6 killed, 19 injured: Garden City, N.Y.
    Dec. 7, 1993 6 killed, 19 injured: Garden City, N.Y. Colin Fer­guson shoots and kills six pas­sen­gers and wounds 19 oth­ers on a Long Is­land Rail Road com­muter train be­fore be­ing stopped by oth­er riders. Fer­guson is later sen­tenced to life in pris­on.
  • 5 killed, 10 injured: Jonesboro, Ark.

    5 killed, 10 injured: Jonesboro, Ark.
    March 24, 1998 5 killed, 10 injured: Jonesboro, Ark. Middle school stu­dents Mitchell John­son and An­drew Golden pull a fire alarm at their school in a small rur­al Arkan­sas com­munity and then open fire on stu­dents and teach­ers us­ing an ar­sen­al they had stashed in the nearby woods. Four stu­dents and a teach­er who tried shield the chil­dren are killed and 10 oth­ers are in­jured. Be­cause of their ages, Mitchell. 13, and An­drew, 11, are sen­tenced to con­fine­ment in a ju­ven­ile
  • 13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, Colo.

    13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, Colo.
    April 20, 1999 13 killed, 24 injured: Columbine, Colo. Eric Har­ris and Dylan Kle­bold, stu­dents at Columbine High, open fire at the school, killing a dozen stu­dents and a teach­er and caus­ing in­jury to two dozen oth­ers be­fore tak­ing their own lives.
  • 7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth

    Sept. 15, 1999 7 killed, 7 injured: Fort Worth Larry Gene Ash­brook opens fire in­side the crowded chapel of the Wedg­wood Baptist Church. Wor­shipers, think­ing at first that it must be a prank, keep singing. But when they real­ize what is hap­pen­ing, they dive to the floor and scrunch un­der pews, ter­ri­fied and si­lent as the gun­fire con­tin­ues. Sev­en people are killed be­fore Ash­brook takes his own life.
  • 7 killed: Wakefield, Mass.

    7 killed: Wakefield, Mass.
    Dec. 26, 2000 7 killed: Wakefield, Mass. Mi­chael Mc­Der­mott, a 42-year-old soft­ware test­er shoots and kills sev­en co-work­ers at the In­ter­net con­sult­ing firm where he is em­ployed. Mc­Der­mott, who is ar­res­ted at the of­fices of Edge­wa­ter Tech­no­logy Inc., ap­par­ently was en­raged be­cause his salary was about to be gar­nished to sat­is­fy tax claims by the In­tern­al Rev­en­ue Ser­vice. He uses three weapons in his at­tack.
  • 2 killed, 13 injured: Santee, Calif.

    March 5, 2001 2 killed, 13 injured: Santee, Calif. Santana High stu­dent Charles An­drew Wil­li­ams, 15, fatally shoots two class­mates and wounds 13 oth­ers on the cam­pus. He is ap­pre­hen­ded by po­lice in the school bath­room, where his at­tack began. Wil­li­ams is later sen­tenced to 50 years to life.
  • 5 killed, 9 injured: Meridian, Miss.

    5 killed, 9 injured: Meridian, Miss.
    July 8, 2003 5 killed, 9 injured: Meridian, Miss. Doug Wil­li­ams, 48, a pro­duc­tion as­sembly­man for 19 years at Lock­heed Mar­tin Aero­naut­ics Co., goes on a ram­page at the de­fense plant, fatally shoot­ing five and wound­ing nine be­fore tak­ing his own life with a shot­gun.
  • 9 killed, 7 injured: Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn.

    March 21, 2005 9 killed, 7 injured: Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn. Jef­frey Weise, a 16-year-old stu­dent at Red Lake High School fatally shoots five stu­dents, a teach­er, and a se­cur­ity guard and wounds sev­en oth­ers be­fore tak­ing his own life. Be­fore his ram­page at Red Lake, Weise kills his grand­fath­er and his grand­fath­er’s com­pan­ion at their home on the Red Lake In­di­an Re­ser­va­tion.
  • 5 killed, 5 injured: Nickel Mines, Pa.

    5 killed, 5 injured: Nickel Mines, Pa.
    Oct. 2, 2006 5 killed, 5 injured: Nickel Mines, Pa. Charles Carl Roberts IV, a milk truck driver armed with a small ar­sen­al, bursts in­to a one-room school­house and kills five Amish girls. He kills him­self as po­lice storm the build­ing.
  • 5 killed, 4 injured: Salt Lake City

    Feb. 12, 2007 5 killed, 4 injured: Salt Lake City Sule­j­man Talovic, 18, wear­ing a trench­coat and car­ry­ing a shot­gun, sprays a pop­u­lar Salt Lake City shop­ping mall. Wit­nesses say he dis­plays no emo­tion while killing five people and wound­ing four oth­ers. An off-duty po­lice of­ficer eat­ing din­ner with his wife ex­changes gun­fire with the Bos­ni­an refugee be­fore oth­er of­ficers ar­rive and fatally wound Talovic.
  • 32 killed, 17 injured: Blacksburg, Va.

    32 killed, 17 injured: Blacksburg, Va.
    April 16, 2007 32 killed, 17 injured: Blacksburg, Va. Seung-hui Cho, a 23-year-old Vir­gin­ia Tech seni­or, opens fire on cam­pus, killing 32 people in a dorm and an aca­dem­ic build­ing in at­tacks more than two hours apart. Cho takes his life after the second in­cid­ent.
  • 8 killed, 4 injured: Omaha

    Dec. 5, 2007 8 killed, 4 injured: Omaha Robert Hawkins, 19, sprays an Omaha shop­ping mall with gun­fire as hol­i­day shop­pers scat­ter in ter­ror. He kills eight people and wounds four oth­ers be­fore tak­ing his own life. Au­thor­it­ies re­port he left sev­er­al sui­cide notes.
  • 5 killed, 16 injured: Dekalb, Ill.

    5 killed, 16 injured: Dekalb, Ill.
    Feb. 14, 2008 5 killed, 16 injured: Dekalb, Ill. Steven Kazmier­czak, dressed all in black, steps on stage in a lec­ture hall at North­ern Illinois Uni­versity and opens fire on a geo­logy class. Five stu­dents are killed and 16 wounded be­fore Kazmier­czak kills him­self on the lec­ture hall stage.
  • 13 killed, 4 injured: Binghamton, N.Y.

    April 3, 2009 13 killed, 4 injured: Binghamton, N.Y. Jiverly Voong, 41, shoots and kills 13 people and ser­i­ously wounds four oth­ers be­fore ap­par­ently com­mit­ting sui­cide at the Amer­ic­an Civic Assn., an im­mig­ra­tion ser­vices cen­ter, in Bing­hamton, N.Y.
  • 13 killed, 32 injured: Ft. Hood, Texas

    13 killed, 32 injured: Ft. Hood, Texas
    Nov. 5, 2009 13 killed, 32 injured: Ft. Hood, Texas Maj. Nid­al Ma­lik Has­an, an Army psy­chi­at­rist, al­legedly shoots and kills 13 people and in­jures 32 oth­ers in a ram­page at Ft. Hood, where he is based. Au­thor­it­ies al­lege that Has­an was ex­chan­ging emails with Muslim ex­trem­ists in­clud­ing Amer­ic­an-born rad­ic­al An­war Aw­laki.
  • 8 killed, 2 injured: Manchester, Conn.

    Aug. 3, 2010 8 killed, 2 injured: Manchester, Conn. Omar S. Thornton, 34, a driver for Hart­ford Dis­trib­ut­ors, emerges from a dis­cip­lin­ary hear­ing and be­gins shoot­ing, killing eight people at the fam­ily-owned dis­trib­ut­or­ship and then him­self.
  • 6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, Ariz.

    6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, Ariz.
    Jan. 8, 2011 6 killed, 11 injured: Tucson, Ariz. Jared Lee Lough­ner, 22, al­legedly shoots Ari­zona Rep. Gab­ri­elle Gif­fords in the head dur­ing a meet-and-greet with con­stitu­ents at a Tuc­son su­per­mar­ket. Six people are killed and 11 oth­ers wounded. Lough­ner is iden­ti­fied by wit­nesses as the gun­man who fired at close range with semi­auto­mat­ic pis­tol be­fore be­ing tackled.
  • 8 killed, 1 injured: Seal Beach, Calif.

    Oct. 12, 2011 8 killed, 1 injured: Seal Beach, Calif. Scott Dekraai, 41, ap­par­ently en­raged over a cus­tody dis­pute, al­legedly walks in­to a crowded Seal Beach hair salon where his former wife works and opens fire. Eight people are killed, in­clud­ing a man sit­ting in a truck out­side the salon. An­oth­er per­son is crit­ic­ally wounded. Dekraai has pleaded not guilty in the case.
  • 12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, Colo.

    12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, Colo.
    July 20, 2012 12 killed, 58 injured: Aurora, Colo. James Holmes, 24, is taken in­to cus­tody in the park­ing lot out­side the Cen­tury 16 movie theat­er after a post-mid­night at­tack in Au­rora, Colo. Holmes al­legedly entered the theat­er through an exit door about half an hour in­to the loc­al premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises.” He faces charges of of killing 12
  • 27 killed, one injured: Newtown, Conn.

    27 killed, one injured: Newtown, Conn.
    Dec. 14, 2012 27 killed, one injured: Newtown, Conn. A gun­man forces his way in­to Sandy Hook Ele­ment­ary School in New­town, Conn. and shoots and kills 20 first graders and six adults. The shoot­er, iden­ti­fied by sources as Adam Lanza, 20, kills him­self at the scene. Lanza is also be­lieved to have killed his moth­er at the home they shared, pri­or to his shoot­ing ram­page. In emo­tion­al re­marks from the White House, Pres­id­ent Obama wiped away tears. “Our hearts are broken today,
  • 13 killed, 3 injured: Washington, D.C.

    Sept. 16, 2013 13 killed, 3 injured: Washington, D.C. A shoot­er who en­gaged po­lice in a run­ning fire­fight through the sprawl­ing Wash­ing­ton Navy Yard is shot and killed. At least 13 people in­clud­ing the shoot­er are killed in the ram­page that began ap­prox­im­ately 8:15 a.m. at the Navy Yard, a huge com­plex of build­ings along Wash­ing­ton’s Anacos­tia River wa­ter­front. The shoot­er is later iden­ti­fied as Aaron Alex­is, a Navy con­tract­or and former Navy en­lis­ted man from