Shaun white 13

Shaun White

By Mesa5
  • Shaun is born

    Shaun is born
    on September 3,1986 Shaun was born
  • Shaun goes snowboarding

    Shaun goes snowboarding
    Shaun starts snowboarding
  • Shaun and Tony

    Shaun and Tony
    Shaun meats Tony at a skate park
  • Shaun goes pro

    Shaun goes pro
    Shaun becomes a pro snowboarder
  • gold in X Games

    gold in X Games
    Shaun wins his first gold medil in the X Games
  • Shaun goes to the Olympics

    Shaun goes to the Olympics
    Shaun wins his first gold medel in the Olympics
  • Summer X Games

    Summer X Games
    Shaun wines gold medl in Summer X Games
  • gold agen

    gold agen
    Shaun winns his second gold medl in the Olympics
  • Shaun gets arested

    Shaun gets arested
    Shaun gets arestd for vandilsm and intoxication