
Sharon's Show and Tell Pet Diary

By serel
  • Cappucci

    Cappucci was our Angora kitten that turned into a miniature lion with a miniature roar. She was with us for 8 fluffy years.
  • Lila

    Lila was our shepard. She loved everone and enjoyed helping out in the cow shed.
  • Chucky

    There weren't really any dogs called Chucky. Chucky was the code name for transient dogs who craved a good meal and mattress- we also referred to them little truckers. To me all truckers are called Chuck and my home was truck-stop to all the lost little Chuckies in the Lower Galilee.

    Chuckies never stayed more than a week before they went out again on the road.
    We hosted about 15 Chuckies over the years.
  • Benji

    Benji was our terrier. He liked to be carried in shopping bags and would sit in front of electric heaters in the winter-but only when the heater wasn't plugged in. He was strange.
  • Homer

    Homer was a howling basset. He generally embarrased us with his howling. He also smelled pretty bad. We tried remedying the odor with baby powder.- didn't help much.
  • Stella

    Stella was our fat, loving, cuddliy, walrus-like labrador. She loved everybody and food alike. She enjoyed a good snore when the grandparents came to visit.
  • Tzuk

    All I can say is that when your kids start looking out for your best interests,watch out! My son brought home a beautiful pyrenee puppy. Within a year, this beautiful little pup chewed to pieces, the garden hose, four pairs of slippers, a cushioned lounge chair, my arm and a pair of glasses. Had there been ritalin experimentation on dogs at the time,Tzuk would have been the first participant. I promise you that. Instead, we found Tzuk a fine home on a farm. No more chewed-up glasses! Halleluyah!
  • Leader

    Leader was a replica of Stella- fat cuddley and a professional snorer.
  • Zoey

    Zoey is a black dog with no regal past. However, she is a most loyal and lazy dog. Zoey is 4 years old and shows a promising career in snoring as did her predecessors.
  • Salem

    Salem is our windowsill cat. She's been with us for a few years now. She gets room and board (windowsill and leftovers) in return for deterring mice and other unwanted creatures from our property, making Zoey dance by peeping at her through the window, and also making sure everyone's hands are clean before mealtime since she is perched directly opposite the sink.
    In the dark, we can see her glowing, green eyes as if detached from her body . She's spooky-that's why she got the name Salem.