Share the Dream

By dmelton
  • Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."

    Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
    George Wallace sworn in as Governor of Alabama
  • Letters from Birmingham Jail

    Letters from Birmingham Jail
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. arrested in Birmingham by state police
  • Peaceful Children's Crusade

    Peaceful Children's Crusade
    John Lewis and Reverened James Bevelbegin the peaceful Children's Crusade. All children participating were arrested.
  • Peaceful Children's Crusade

    Peaceful Children's Crusade
    When the Crusade continues, bull Connor orders the use of fire hoses and attack dogs on the children protestors.
  • Stopping Integration

    Stopping Integration
    Govenor Wallace stands in doorway to stop integration at University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    Medgar Evers, first field secretary for NAACP in Mississippi assassinated.
  • "I Have A Dream"

    "I Have A Dream"
    The March on Washington during which Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I have a Dream" speech.
  • Integration in Alabama Schools

    Integration in Alabama Schools
    President Kennedy federalizes the Alabama National Guard forcing integration of public schools in that state.
  • "Bombingham"

    Four young girls killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham giving even more heft to the city's notorious moniker of "Bombingham."
  • President Kennedy wa assassinated.

    President Kennedy wa assassinated.