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  • The Invention of the Cotton Gin

    The Invention of the Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitney created the first cotton gin in 1794 in the United States but there isn't no actual date when he created. The cotton gin was able to sperate the seeds from the cotton making the process of cotton much faster which was very profitable to businesses in the North while the South needed more slaves due to the increase of cotton. This not only angered the North but the South also became too dependent on cotton.
  • The Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act
    President Thomas Jefferson supported the the Embargo Act while the Congress passed it. France and Britain were at war with each other and both wanted to use American supplies for their own advantages but they didn't like that their opposing enemy was using the same supplies, so they ended up not respecting the United States by seizing and capturing American ships. Merchants and businesses thought it was unfair how they banned goods to be exported.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Henry Clay written the Missouri Compromise which is when Missouri wanted to be a state but the North wanted it to be a free slave state while the south wanted it to be a slave state so they made a compromise where Maine became a free slave state while Missouri was a slave state to make it an equal balance between the Senate.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    John Quincy Adams wrote the Tariff of 1832 to minimize the problems with the Tariff of 1828. It was passed on July 14, 1832. Even though the tariff minimized problems, South Carolina still wasn't happy with the decision because they would still have to work more and get less money which made the south more angry at the north.
  • Whilmot Proviso

    Whilmot Proviso
    David Whilmot came up with the proviso and presented it to the House of Representatives to resolve the Mexican-American War. It was one of the reasons why the Civil War happened. It would have banned slavery from any territory acquired from Mexico so the debatable issue led to the Compromise of 1850.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was drafted by Henry Clay and Stephan Douglas. The Compromise of 1850 was after the Mexican War when the North received Californa as a free state and Washington D.C. abolished slavery there and the South got the Fugitive Slave Act.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and it received many criticism by the south claiming that the story was untrue and "criminal". It was an anti-slavary/abolitionist's tool to tell what's going on in the slaves' lives and how they been faithful while their masters abuse them
  • Kansas-Newbraska Act of 1854

    Kansas-Newbraska Act of 1854
    The Kansas Newbraska Act was to allow white men to have more land to make more farms. Congress cancelled the Missouri Compromise and the slavery issue was up by the people's vote. Also the states' have the right to allow slavery if the people wants it.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    This was basically a war on Kansas and Missouri territory between ani-slavery and slavery. It was called "Bleeding Kansas" because of the violence that was a part of it. This caused so many problems with the North and South that the compromise wasn't really going to fix the conflicts between the North and South.
  • The Dred Scott Case

    The Dred Scott Case
    This case was held in the Supreme Court and basically Dred Scott tried to sue his master's, John Emerson, wife, Eliza Irene Sanford because she refuesd to let Scott and his family buy their freedom since they were on a free slave territory/state but the case ruled that African Americans could not be citizens.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    Abraham Lincoln gave the "house divded" speech on June 16, 1858 at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield. His speech was to tell what would happen in the future to the outcome of the decisions made and to say that he wanted to make peace with the southern states and he created image of the slavery-based disunion.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    The raid was attempted by John Brown to start a revolt for slaves. It took place at Harpers Ferry where he planned to raid and use the weapons there including arsenic. His raid plan came to an end after Robert E. Lee and the rest of the marine corps stopped him and his men. Brown was found guilty of treasury and was hung. After the South found out, they lived in fear that the slaves were going to attack them but also was grateful that their slaves didn't volunteer to help Brown.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln was running against John C. Breckinridge, John Bell and Stephan A. Douglas. The southerners felt betrayed by Douglas because of agreeing with popular sovereignty, letting states choose if they want slavary or not. John Bell became president of the southern states making the north and south completely divided while Lincoln debated with Douglas on who can carry New Jersey, Illinois, Indiana and Pennslyvania.
  • South Carolina Secedes from Union

    South Carolina Secedes from Union
    South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union even though Lincoln denied it. South Carolina also formed the Confederacy first. That was basically the start of the civil war between the north and the south.