Scopes Trial

  • Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species is published

  • Darwin publishes another book, The Descant of Man

    Addresses the debate over evolution of mankind.
  • "A Civic Biology" is published by George William Hunter

    Evolution is described as, "The belief that simple forms of life on the earth slowly and gradually gave rise to those more complex and that thus ultimately the most complex forms came into existence."
  • Tennessee House of Representatives passes Butler Act

    Prohibited the teaching of "any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals." (Butler Act 1925)
  • John Scopes is arrested

    John Scopes is arrested
    Scopes was incarcerated for teaching evolution to his biology class.
  • Scopes is prosecuted by a grand jury

    Scopes is prosecuted by a grand jury
    John Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee's anti-evolution act.
  • The Scopes Trial Commences

    The Scopes Trial Commences
  • The Scopes Trial ends

    The Scopes Trial ends
    The trial concludes with a guilty verdict and John Scopes is found guilty of teaching evolution in schools, in violation of Tennessee law. He received a fine of $100 which was later paid by H.L. Mencken
  • Tennessee Repeals the Butler Act

    Tennessee Repeals the Butler Act