
school age show

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    12 year old

    12 year old
    they begin to develop some physical changes such as growth in boobs for women and hair in pubic areas for men.
    they become more outgoing with friends and want to hang out more often with them
    they memory develops and their ability to remember things develop as well
    their hand coordination is better and are able to play instruments
  • 6 year old

    6 year old
    social: They begin to show more independence from parents and family.
    physical: Increased speed/running skill
    cognitive: They Show rapid development of mental skills.
    emotional: They learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings.
  • 7 yr old

    7 yr old
    Emotional: Start to think about the future.
    Physical: They start to climb trees and maybe roller skate.
    Cognitive: They begin to arrange a story in sequence, pretend stories, and know the value of coins
    social: they begin to compare themself with others in terms of skills/abilities. they also begin to self criticize themselves
  • 8 year old

    8 year old
    Emotional: They begin to understand more about his or her place in the world.
    Social: They sometimes begin to fear school & social relationships
    Physical: They begin complex physical activities such as figure skating, ballet, etc
    Cognitive: They begin to count money and understand what each means
  • 9 year old

    9 year old
    Emotional: They begin to learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings.
    physical: They begin to hone and perfect their skills.
    cognitive: They begin to think logically in terms of solving problems.
    social: they earn recognition by mastering skills and tasks that produce things
  • 10 years old

    10 years old
    physical: Improved coordination and reaction time they also have an Increase in large-muscle coordination, leading to success in organized sports and games.
    social: They begin to improve their social manners
    emotional: Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others.
    cognitive: They begin thinking critically and they begin to hone their logical thinking skills
  • 11 year old

    11 year old
    physical: they have neat handwriting, use tools, and further expand their artistic ability.
    social: they begin to take responsibility for own behavior.
    cognitive: improved grammar, and they start to tell stories with more detail
    emotional: they Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork.