
  • 9000 BCE

    Early Scandinavian Peoples

    Early Scandinavian Peoples
    Early Scandinavian peoples were a much more fluid population due to the access to water and dependence on a trading society. The earliest evidence of people in the Scandinavian area dates to 9500 BCE due to Danish flint tools.
  • Period: 800 BCE to 1100 BCE

    9th Century Perception

    10 Things You May Not Know About the Vikings Early perception of the Scandinavia region was viewing them as pagan barbarians who plundered and attacked surrounding villages. Other areas did not view the Vikings in a positive light, which has led to many misconceptions about who they were and what their purpose was.
  • 600 BCE

    The Early Draw of Scandinavia

    In Scandinavia's early history, it was flourishing trade center, with the remnants of a large market having been discovered in Ystad, Sweden. With early trade being essential for growth culturally, politically and monetarily, being a trading center would have been a huge draw for peoples from other lands.
  • 500 BCE

    Nordic Bronze Age

    Nordic Bronze Age
    Peoples of the Nordic Bronze experienced a Scandinavia very geographically and topographically similar today with a much more mild climate. An elite class of chieftain-traders supposedly emerged during this time. A map of the potential trade route is attached.
  • Jan 1, 900


    Although there isn't much information about how Vikings were viewed by their people, much can be inferred. Based on what we know about the reasons the vikings left their area, the people most likely fell into two camps: admiring the vikings for their bravery and willingness to go out in search of what everyone else wanted, and utter abhorrence of their behavior. History of Viking
  • Jan 1, 1000

    Formal Region

    Formal Region
    Scandinavia falls into the category of formal region, but depending on the qualities used to define it, countries may be included or excluded in the description. Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are the root of Scandinavia. Due to the historical, linguistic, and racial connections between the peoples, Finland and Iceland are often included.
  • The Early Region

    The Early Region
    Finland is also often included as part of Scandinavia due to it's geographical connection to the other countries. Scandinavia is a peninsula that extends from northern Europe. Geographical features of the area include the fjords, mountains, flatlands, archipelagos, and moraines. There is a varied climate throughout the area due to these geographical features. Video
  • Early Politics

    Early Politics
    In the late 1800s, following the First War of Schleswig, a political movement called "Scandinavianism" began in an effort to get rid of absolute monarchy in favor of a federalist state.
  • Scandinavian Language

    Scandinavian Language
    The languages of Scandinavia are part of the North Germanic languages. The languages of Scandinavia are viewed as independent languages but can often be understood by those from other countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden). [Audio comparing the three languages found at the bottom of this link (
  • Immigration

    In the late 19th and early 20th century, many Scandinavians immigrated to the United States, tempted by the affordable farm land. Today, emigration from Scandinavian has decreased dramatically, and immigration to Scandinavia is limited, although they too are seeing an influx of refugees. Sweden Limits Refugees
  • Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)

    Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
    Edvard Grieg is a great representation of Scandinavian cultural values. A Romantic era composer, Grieg was also a humanitarian who fought for social justice. "Scandinavia...can be characterized by inward-looking, outwardly influential societies that hold traditions close while accepting new people and ideas. Scandinavians cherish individual freedoms and place a high value on privacy, discretion, and tolerance." (NWE) Audio of Grieg's Solveig's Song
  • Governments Today

    Governments Today
    Today, Denmark and Norway have a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy, while Finland, Iceland, and Sweden have varying forms of Parliamentary Republics, showing that the Scandinavianism had moderate success in removing absolute monarchies from the countries, with Iceland being one of the oldest parliaments in the world, beginning in 930 and becoming a republic in 1944.
  • Why visit Scandinavia?

    Why visit Scandinavia?
    With stunning and unique geographical features, the draw of Scandinavia today is largely related to its beauty. Scandinavia is also known for its cleanliness, and long days or nights, depending on the time of year. The Scandinavian Tourist Board was created in 1989. Buzzfeed's 21 Things You Realize When You Visit Scandinavia
  • Modern Perception

    Modern Perception
    Although Scandinavia is primarily a formal region, it could also be a perceptual region. Modern perception paints Scandinavia as a real world utopia, with everything from prisons to school systems to sustainability seeming ideal. [Scandinavia's Prison Systems](
    Finland's Schools(
  • Is it a reality?

    Is it a reality?
    The public image of Scandinavia is so pervasive, with Finland's School Systems consistently being hailed as the ultimate goal, that Michael Moore created a documentary. Articles have also begun to surface explaining that it is not what everyone paints it to be, showing that to its people it is a country with positives and negatives just like any other.