Satellite History

  • United States launched Explorer-1

    United States launched Explorer-1
    The United States successfully launched its first satellite, Explorer-1.
  • First weather satellite launched

    First weather satellite launched
    The first weather satellite, Vanguard 2, was launched but it was unable to collect the useful cloud cover and resistance measurements due to a poor axis of rotation.
  • First successful weather satellite launched

    First successful weather satellite launched
    The first successful weather satellite to be launched was called TIROS-1 and was launched by NASA. It operated for 78 days and was much more successful than the Vanguard 2.
  • First geostationary satellite launched

    First geostationary satellite launched
    ATS-I, the first geostationary satellite, was launched. The cargo aboard was Suomi’s Spin Scan Cloudcover Camera (SSCC).
  • ATS-III launched and first color images

    ATS-III launched and first color images
    ATS-III launched and sent the first color images from the Multicolor Spin Scan Cloudcover Camera (MSSCC).
  • Launch of GOES-1 satellite

    Launch of GOES-1 satellite
    GOES-1 satellite was launched.
  • GOES-2 satellite was launched

    GOES-2 satellite was launched
    GOES-2 launched aboard Delta Launch Vehicle 131.
  • GOES-3 launched

    GOES-3 launched
    GOES-3 satellite was launched
  • GOES-4 launched

    GOES-4 launched
    GOES-4 was launched and it was the first geostationary satellite to provide continuous vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and moisture.
  • GOES-12 launched

    GOES-12 launched
    GOES-12 was launched and is first GOES to operate a SXI-type instrument.