Witchcraft at salem village

Witch Trials: Sorcery or Religious Persecution?

  • 1486

    Persecution on Paper: The Hammer of Witches (Malleus Maleficarum)

    Persecution on Paper: The Hammer of Witches (Malleus Maleficarum)
    The Hammer of Witches was written by a German man named, Heinrich Kramer who was a Catholic Clergyman. This book is the best known treatise about witch craft and how to "spot a witch". Heinrich wrote in detail how to hunt people who are acting agaisnt God and colluding with the Devil. Heinrich encourgaed their persecution by whatever means necessary including tortute and being burnt at the stake. This book catapulted the anti-witch craze in Europe which would eventually trickle to Salem.
  • Period: 1486 to

    Background on the Witch Trials

    Witch Trials spanned across Europe and evetually trickled into what would later be called the USA, specifically in Salem, Massechutts. The accused would be brutally tortured, put to death or both. This witch hysteria was seen as a way of protecting people and towns from "advocates of the devil". Was witchcraft really being practiced or was it a way to keep people in line with the Church?
  • To Prick or be Pricked: Witch Prickers

    To Prick or be Pricked: Witch Prickers
    These pages depict "witch pickers", which were used to locate "the devils mark". The needle would be inserted into an accused persons birth mark or some abnormal skin tissue on the body. If they felt no pain and did not bleed they were a confirmed witch. However, these needles were often false and retractable. This book is called A Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584) by Englishman Reginald Scot, who dismissed witchcraft and said people were being misled due to religion.
  • Reverend Samuel Parris: Witch Hunter

    Reverend Samuel Parris: Witch Hunter
  • The Life Ending Vision of Sarah Good

    The Life Ending Vision of Sarah Good