
Saint Cecilia

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    Birthday of Saint Cecilia

    Birthday of Saint Cecilia
    Saint Cecilia was most likely born Roman in the 1st or 2nd century.
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    Valerian Converts to Christianity

    Valerian Converts to Christianity
    On the day of his marrage to Saint Cecilia she told hiom and angel was protecting her and if he was to see the angel he would to to purify himself in baptism.
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    Saint Cecilia is married to Valerian

    Saint Cecilia is married to Valerian
    Saint Cecilia's parents, both pagan,choose to pick her a husband against Cecilia's will. The man her parents chose was Valerian a pagan man.
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    First attepmt to kill Saint Cecilia

    First attepmt to kill Saint Cecilia
    After Saint Cecilia would not deny her faith she is sentenced to daeth, they attempt to suffocate her in her own bath tub but they fail and she lives.
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    Second attempt to kill Saint Cecilia

    Second attempt to kill Saint Cecilia
    On the second attempt to kill Saint Cecilia they sent her to a blazing fire but it failed and she lived.
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    Second day after being struck by sword

    Second day after being struck by sword
    Saint Cecilia was almost at the end of her life and as she was dying she was preaching to those who passed by her and stayed with her loved ones untill she died the next day.
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    Died in 177 A.D. in Rome

    Died in 177 A.D. in Rome
    On the third try Saint Cecilia was striken three times to the neck after failed decapitation she died three days later.
  • Nov 1, 1577

    Church of Saint Cecilia Opens Tomb

    Church of Saint Cecilia Opens Tomb
    The Church of Saint Cecilia Opens her tomb and finds that she in in perfect condition as if she had just died.
  • Body is found incorrupt.

    Body is found incorrupt.
    Saint cecilias grave tomb is opened and her body is found incorrupt.
  • Feast Day of Saint Cecilia

    Feast Day of Saint Cecilia
    The feast day on Saint Cecilia id on November 22.
  • Grave is found.

    Grave is found.
    Saint Cecilia's body was discovered and removed to the church of saint cecilia in Rome.