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History Tea Timeline: Sacagawea

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    She was born in Lemhi County, Idaho. She is the daughter of a Shoshone Chief. She ended up to be a Shoshone Interpreter.
  • Hidsta Tribe

    Hidsta Tribe
    Sacagawea was kidnapped by an Hidsta tribe during buffalo hunting. Her name we know her by is Hidsta which means Sacaga., and women wea.
  • North Great Plains

    North Great Plains
    When Sacagawea was still a teenager, she lead others up to northern great plains to pacific and back. During the trip, her and her husband at a child Jean Baptiste.
  • Sacagawea Was Sold to her husband

    Sacagawea Was Sold to her husband
    Sacagawea was sold to a French-Canadian Fur Trader. The fur Trader was her husband Toussaint Charbonneau who she had a child with also. They were bopth asked to be part of the Lewis and CLark Expedition.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Lewis and Clark expedition
    In Novemeber 1804, Sacagawea was inviited to join the Lewis and Clark expedition as a Shoshone Interpreter.
  • Birth of Jean Baptiste Charbonneau

    Birth of Jean Baptiste Charbonneau
    She gave birth to him during the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Even though she had to carry a baby, she proved she could help in all ways. She was good at finding food, saves cargo, and serves as a symbol of peace.
  • Voting during Lewis and Clark

    Voting during Lewis and Clark
    When they reached the Pacific, She was allowed to cast her vote along with the other members to see where there building a fort to stay in during winter. The built Fort Clatsop in present day Astoria, Oregan and stayed till March.
  • Returned to Hidsta Village

    Returned to Hidsta Village
    This was the marking of the end of Sacagawea's expedition. The trip was over and she recieved nothing but Charbonneau recieved $500.33 and 320 acres of land.
  • Birth of Lisette

    Birth of Lisette
    Sacagawea gave birth to lisette, her daughter. In 1812 of December Sacagawea's health is getting worse because of the the fever. Later on Lewis and Clark were legal guardians.
  • Death of Sacagawea

    Death of Sacagawea
    Sacagawea died on December 20th, 1812. The cause of her death was from a sickness called putrid fever a parasite bactrium spreaded by fleas. Sacagawea was only 24 years old when she died. Clark took care of her children for the rest of the time. Later on, the children were adopted. Charbonneau died in 1843.
  • Face on Coin

    Face on Coin
    In 2000, Sacagawea's face was minted into a coin and depicts a shoeshone intepreter, and a women of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. She was minted onto a dollar coin, and she was died at this time. Many people appreciated this coin because Sacagawea did many helpful things for the people.