
  • early life

    early life
    was one of nine children born to rit and ben between 1808 and 1832 while the year of aramitas birth is unknown it probably occured between 1820 and 1825
  • synopsis

    born in maryland in 1820 and successfully escaped in 1849.
  • marriage

    in 1844 harriet married a free black man named john tubman
  • escape from slavery and ambition

    escape from slavery and ambition
    harriet tubman escaped from slavery in 1849 fleeing to philadelphia tubman decided to escape following a bout of illness and the death of her owner in 1849
  • leaving maryland

    leaving maryland
    tubman initially left maryland with two of her brothers ben, and henry, on september 17, 1849 a notice published i n the cambridge democrat offered a $300 reward for the return of araminta which was code name for harry and ben.
  • kessiah

    in december 1850 tubman received a warning that her neice kessiah was going to be sold along with her two young children
  • 11 fugitives

    11 fugitives
    in december 1851 tubman guided a group of 11 fugitives northward
  • john brown

    john brown
    in april 1858 tubman was introduced to the abolitionist john brown who advocated the use of violence to disrupt and destroy the institution of slavery
  • later life

    later life
    in early 1859 abolitionist senator william h seward sold tubman a small piece of land on the outskirts of auburn newyork
  • war veteran

    war veteran
    in 1869 she married a civil war veteran named nelson davis
  • gertie

    in 1874 harriet and nelson adopted a baby girl named gertie
  • african methodist episcopal church

    african methodist episcopal church
    in 1903 she donateda parcel of her land to the african methodist episcopal church in auburn
  • death

    harriet tubman died of pneumonia in 1913