
RW: Violence & Civil Rights Movement

  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    Emmet Louis Til was murdered for speaking to an white woman , in Money , MS. Its important it motivated the African Americans CRA - Movement.
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    President Eisenhower orders federal troops to enforce desegregation in Little Rock, AK.
  • Mack Charles Parker

    Mack Charles Parker
    Mack Charles Parker was taken from jail and lynched, Popularville, MS. It caused controversy throughout the negro race.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Freedom Riders was attacked in Alabama while testing compliance with bus desegregation laws. It was important because it got the CRA movement more attention.
  • William Lewis Moore

    William Lewis Moore
    William Lewis Moore slain during one-man march against segregation, Attalla, AL. Made more people want to protest against segregation.
  • Birmingham Police Attacks

    Birmingham Police Attacks
    Birmingham police attacks marching children with dogs and fire hoses.
  • Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers
    Medgar Evers, civil rights leader, assassinated in Jackson, MS. African Americans fought even harder for civil rights.
  • Church Bombing

    Church Bombing
    4 girls die in the bombing of the 16th St. church in Birmingham, AL. It drew attention for civils right for African Americans.
  • Abducted & Slain

    Abducted & Slain
    3 civil right workers was abducted and slain by the KKK, in Philadelphia, MS.
  • Killed By State Trooper

    Killed By State Trooper
    Civil right marcher , Jimmie Lee Jackson, was killed by state trooper, Marion, AL.
  • MLK Assassinated

    MLK Assassinated
    MLK assasinated in Memphis, TN.