Roosevelt Timeline

  • Roosevelts Born

    Roosevelt was born in Manhatten and was born to a wealthy family. He was homeschooled and then grew up to later go to and graduate from Harvard in 1880
  • Roosevelts a hero

    some people call the spanish war pointless but the secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt steps up and takes immediate action to call to admiral dewy and tell him about the war making him a hero because they were able to evade the oncoming attack.
  • Moving up tp presidency

    William Mckinley after being assasinated the country was in need of a new president and the next in line was the VP Theodore Roosevelt.
  • energy crisis

    President Thoedore Roosevelt calls a meeting about the coal strike in the coal fields of Pennsilvania threatened a coal famine.Theodore put an end to the strike.
  • Elkins Act

    The Elkins Act gave federal courts the power to amend the Interstate Commerce act of 1887 and it was also passed as a law by the 57th congress and signed by president Roosevelt.