Ronald regan timeline #2

  • Ronald regan was born

    Ronald regan was born
    Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Ill., to Nelle Reagan and John Reagan. The Reagans had one son, Neil.
  • ellected president

    ellected president
    Was America's 40th president. On the exact same day, Iran released the 52 remaining hostages who had been held at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran for 444 days,
  • Taxes

    Reagen was making a job for economic recovery for the Joint Session of Congress. Reagan asked $41.4 billion in cuts. He also wanted a 30 percent tax cut over three years and an increase in defense expenditures, and vowed to not cutting socail security
  • Assasination

    John W. Hinckley Jr. tried to assassinate the president.
  • back to work

    back to work
    Reagan appeared before Congress for the first time since the assassination attempt, receiving a hero's welcome and overwhelming support for his economic package.
  • British

    Reagan said a speech for the British Parliament. He predicted triumph of freedom over communism.
  • Tax cut

    Tax cut
    President's proposal for a three-stage tax cut, was the biggest in U.S. history, it was approved by Congress in 1981
  • reelection

    Reagan formally announced he was seeking reelection.