Official portrait of president reagan 1981

Ronald Reagan

  • Anti-Sandinistas

    Reagan admintistration began secretly arming an anti-Sandinistas guerilla force known as the contras, Congress learned about of the policy, it banned further aid to the contras.
  • Reagan Elected for President

  • Superfund or Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)

    An act to provide for liability, compensation, cleanup, and emergency response for hazardous substances released into the environment and the cleanup of inactive hazardous waste disposal sites.
  • Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, Reaganomics

    He signed it, he lifted remaining domestic petroleum price and allocation controls on January 28, 1981, and lowered the oil windfall profits tax in August 1981
  • Supreme Court

    Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to fill the Supreme Court Justice vacancy left by the retirement of Justice Potter Stewart.
  • Star Wars

    SDI, Strategic Defense Initiative, for the development of weapins that could intercept and destroy incoming missiles.
  • Terrorists bomb U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon

  • Trickle-down Economics

    Though others argue that the combination of significant tax cuts and a massive increase in Cold War related defense spending resulted in large budget deficits
  • Relations Improve

    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, call for the destruction of nuclear weapons.
  • Iran-Iraq War

    Reagan authorized Operation Praying Mantis, a one-day naval strike against Iranian naval ships, boats, and command posts in retaliation for the mining of a U.S. guided missile frigate.