Rocketry Timeline- Teddy Donna

  • Sep 16, 1232

    Chinese Fire Rockets

    Chinese Fire Rockets
    The Chinese military created rockets consisting arrows connected to gunpowder pouches to create a flaming rocket meant to fight of mongolian invaders.
  • First multi staged rocket

    First multi staged rocket
    German Johann Scvhmidlap creates the first multi staged rocket which reaches a significantly higher alititude.
  • Liquid propellents

    American Robert H. Goddard creats the first sucsessful liquid propelled rocket using liquid oxygen and Gasoline
  • V-2 Rockets

    V-2 Rockets
    German engineers create the first rocket capable of reaching space by burning a mixture of oxygen and alcohol
  • First Earth orbiting Satelite

    First Earth orbiting Satelite
    The Sovet Union sucsessfuly launches the first satelite to orbit the earth which jump started the space race Between the U.S and the Soviet Union
  • First American Satelite

    The Jet Propulsion co. sucsessfuly launches the first American Earth orbiting satelite
  • NASA founded

    NASA founded
    The Americans create now to be the worls largest space exploration company
  • First man to orbit Earth

    First man to orbit Earth
    Rusian Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit Earth
  • Moon landing

    Moon landing
    Neil Armmstrong from NASA becomes the first man to land on the moon.
  • First Scace Shuttle

    First Scace Shuttle
    Nasa launches the first space shuttle designed to be a reusable veichle used to help otbit the Earth my placing satelites
  • Bibliagraphy

    I Used ot help me make a timeline and easily acess dates