
  • Roanoke

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roanoke_Colony a lost colony that started in 1585 on Roanoke island present day north Carolina. the colony was founded by sir Walter Raleigh. and when the Spanish war stared the were all lost given the nickname "the lost colony"
  • salutary neglect

    salutary neglect
    a American history term refers to the seventeenth and eighteenth century British crown policy. of avoiding strict enforcement of polio,entary laws meant to keep American colonies obedient to England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salutary_neglect
  • Jamestown

    the first permeate colony in the Americans. William Kelso writes that Jamestown "is where the British empire began". when the settlers arrived it was to late for them to plant crops because it was about winter. half go the settlers died of starvation and the disease.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    the very first legislature assembly in the American colonies. the very first assembly was on July 30th 1619. in the church at Jamestown.
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    signed by 41 colonist on the mayflower November 11 1620 first written frame of government. the compact was drafted to prevent dissent amongst puritans pilgrims who have landed at Plymouth few days earlier. http://www.history.com/topics/mayflower-compact
  • Connecticut

    European steelers came from the Massachusetts bay colony to find more land, Thomas hooker was the leader of the group. but in 1662 the three colonies merged under royal charter making Connecticut a crown colony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connecticut
  • Massachusetts bay colony

    Massachusetts bay colony
    one of the original English settlements in present day Massachusetts, settled in 1630 by a group of about 1,000 puritans refuges from England. https://www.britannica.com/place/Massachusetts-Bay-Colony
  • maryland

    before settlement in Maryland George cavort died but catholics persecuted England in march 1634 English settlers carefully seceded group of catholics sailed on the ark and dove towards Maryland.
  • Maryland toleration act

    Maryland toleration  act
    a law mandating religious tolerance for trinitarian christians. it was passed on April 21 1649, by Maryland assembly, but repealed in October 1694.
  • carolina

    it was a English colony but later a British colony of North America. Carolina was founded in modern day North Carolina,. it expanded to the south and its great extent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Province_of_Carolina
  • New York

    New York
    unable to have anyone rule New York, colonel Richard Nicolas without any bloodshed led new york. he allowed the religious freedom, in the 1700s New York was a major part of the slave trade. 42 percent of housesholds had slaves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City
  • Bacons rebellion

    Bacons rebellion
    in the Virginia started by Nathaniel Bacon, he was against the governor William Berkely. it was the first rebellion in the American colonies. Bacon and his men just wanted the native Americans off the land. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacon%27s_Rebellion
  • Salem witch trials

    Salem witch trials
    people accused of witchcraft in Massachusetts between February 1692 and may 1693. trials resulted in execution of twenty people all but 1 have ben hanged. 1 man was pressed to death by boulders since he said nothing in court. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salem_witch_trials
  • great awakening

    great awakening
    a religious revival that swept through the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s started by John at cam Edwards and George white field, also made significant contributions. enlightenment was cultural movement that challenged old traditions https://prezi.com/op8kac4k3kuk/the-great-awakening-vs-the-enlightenment/
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    north American theater is where it started the worldwide seven years of war. it pitted the colonies of the British American against those of New France. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_and_Indian_War
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    union was a plan to create a unified government for the thirteen colonies. by Benjamin Franklin and a delegate from Pennsylvania, at the Albany congress on July 10th 1754 Albany new york. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany_Plan
  • proclamation of 1763

    proclamation of 1763
    issued on October 7 1763 by king George the 3rd, following great brittian acquisition of French and Indian war seven years of war. which forbids all settlements past a line drawn across appalachian mountains. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Proclamation_of_1763
  • Pennsylvania

    founded December12 1787 one of the original 13 colonies. it was also the home of the declaration of independence. where everyone met up to make rules for all the colonies to make things fair and better for everyone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    48 miles lang, 37 miles wide smallest of the us states. it was known as the "ocean state" in the 19th century it was the forefront of the industrial revolution and establishment of the power driven textile mills. http://www.history.com/topics/us-states/rhode-island