Road to The Constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    a.) King John signed the Magna Carta
    b.) The Magna Carta was signed in Runneymede(lccated beside the River Thomas, now in the county of Surrey)
    c.) The Magna Carta put the King under rule of laws and granted citizens and barons property rights.
    Picture: King John is being forced by other nobles to sign the Magna Carta
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The purpose goes to set rules to overn themselves.The Separatists agreed to choose their leaders and make their own laws
    Picture: The signing of the mayflower compact is taking place while aboard the mayflower
  • Petition of Rights

    Consisted of restrictions on non-parliamentary taxation, restrictions on marshal law, and arbitrary imprisonment. Charles I signed it.
  • English Bill of Rights

    a.) William 3rd and Mary 2nd were involved in the signing
    b.) Monarchs do not have absolute authority. They rule under the consent of the people's representatives in Parliament. 2.) The monarch must have Parliament's consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, or maintain an army. 3.) Te moanrch cannot interfere with parliamentary elections and debates. 4.) The people have a right to petition the government and to have a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    (The year this war started.) Also known as The Seven Years War.
    a.)The major players in this conflict were the French and Indians vs the British/Colonies.
    b.)Battle of Quebec, Battle of Quiberon Bay
    c.)England ultimately won.
    Picture: French troops experience an improbable victory at the Battle of Carillon
  • Albany Union Plan

    a.) Benjamin Franklin suggested this plan
    b.) NO, it never happened.
    c.) The popular polictical cartoon was "Join Or Die"
    d.) Benjamin Franklin created this political cartoon
  • King George the 3rd Takes Power

    King George the 3rd Takes Power
    The ways King George changes the relationships in result of the French and Indian war is that the war left the British governemnt with a large war debt that the British expected te colonies to help repay.
    Picture: King George III rises to power
  • French and Indian War

    The year the French and Indian War ended
  • Boston Tea Party Video

  • Stamp Act

    a.) Legal documents, pamphlets, newspapers, and even dice and playing cards.
    b.) Dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    a.) 5 colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre
    b.) The Stamp Act led up to the Boston Massacre.
    Picture: British soldiers fire on american citizens
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    a.) The Sons of Liberty organized this event.
    b.) The Parliament passed the Coercive Act.
    Picture: Crates of tea are being dumped into Boston Harbor during the Boston Tea Party
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    British established these after the Boston Tea Party.
    These acts closed Boston Harbor, withdrew the right to govern themselves for Massachuttes, shipped trials overseas to Britain, and allowed British soldiers to house themselves under any roof.
    Picture: The Intolerable Acts caused an increase of hatred toward the British
  • First Continental Congress

    a.) The major personalities involved were Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee and George Washington.
    b.)Embargo Act was established as a result of this meeting.
    c.) This meeting took place in Philadelphia.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Took place in Philadelphia. The main ideas from the meeting were to organize an army, issue money, and name a commander. the colonial leaders involved were George Washington, John Hancock, Benjiman Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The result was a colonial victory. The major generals were hugh percy and francis smith. Paul Revere rode through the towns screaming "The British are Coming!"
    Picture: American troops fire on British soldiers from all sides focing a retreat
  • Declaration of Indepedence

    Declaration of Indepedence
    Thomas Jefferson wrote it. The three major parts of the Declaration are: the statement of purpose and basic human rights; lists specific complaints; and states the colonists' determination to separate.
    Picture: John Hancock signs the Declaration of Independence along with other notable men
  • Articles of Confederation

    There was no executive branch under the articles therefore there was no president. Three successes were: the peace treaty with Britain, set up different departments, and set up a policy for the development of the lands west of the Applalachians.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, and John Adams represented its signing. Mississippi river and quebec territory became the new boundary for the US. The British finally recognized the Declaration of Independence
    Picture: American and British Representatives sign the peace treat thus ending the Revolutionary War
  • Start of the Constitutional Convention

    Congress gave consent to hold a Philadelphia convention to revise the articles when the orginal purpose was to regulate commerce among states and propose changes that would make the government more effective