Us history

US History by Victoria N.

  • Settlement at Jamestown, VA

    Settlement at Jamestown, VA
    Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America. King James ! had granted a charter to the Virginia Company of London.
    Charter- A document granting the recipient the rightto settle a colony.
    The settlers were sent to build a new colony in North America and find riches. They faced hardships in the ealry hyears of Jamestown. They caught diseases and were hungry.
    The crop tobacco was very successful and became valuable.
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    Virginia House of Burgesses
    The VHB was the first representaive assembly in the colonies. Colonists would elect/vote representatives to make laws and protect their rights.
    This served as a model for a representative government.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    Pilgrims had come to America to practice their way of religion. They established a colony at Plymouth, Massachusetts.
    The Mayflower Compact was an agreement of a set of rules. A 'temporary government authority'. It was created sothat there were a set of rules to follow, since Great Britain was so far away to control them.
    The Mayflower Compactestablished a self-government for the first time in America.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The FOC was the first written constitution in the colonies. It declared that all white men could vote, not just church members.
    This constitution established the government structure of the colonies.
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    The First Great Awakening was multiple meetings, held outside to revive the spiritof religion. More than one-thousand people listened to the meetings. The awakening caused more inspiration for greater religious freedom and had people believe they were all equal in the eyes of God.
    From the First Great Awakening created the ideas of liberty, equality, and resistance to authority.
  • Causes of the American Revolution

    Causes of the American Revolution
    Great Britain had done many things to anger the colonies. In 1763, King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763 beacause he wanted to keep peace with the Native Americans. The proclamation prohibited coloniests from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains and gave the Native americans the rights to theland. The colonists became angry because they were being stopped.
  • Causes of the American Revolution.

    Causes of the American Revolution.
    In 1765, the colonists were hit wit the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a tax on almost all printed materials. Colonists protested the Stamp Act by boycotting and threatening with violence.
    In 1765, the Quartering Act required colonists to house and feed British Soldiers. It was costly and property demading from the soldiers.
    In 1667, the Townshend Acts was another set of laws passed by the parliament for taxes on items.
  • Causes of the American Revolution

    Causes of the American Revolution
    In 1770, the Boston Massacre was when colonists fought with British soldiers, causing a riot. CrispusAttucks was an African-American who was considered the first causualty of the revolution.
    In 1773, the Tea Act was a monopoly on tea This saved the company and protected the British economy parliament. The company wasthe only tea seller to the colonies. Colonists were uspest because they had to pay taxes to teas that they had no choice of choosing for.
  • Causes of the American Revolution

    Causes of the American Revolution
    In 1773, the Boston Tea Party was lead by the Sons of Liberty, disguised as Native Americans. They threw over 342 crates of British tea into the Boston Harbor. This is an act of Civil Disobedience.
    In 1774, After the Boston Tea Party, King George was angry and decided to create the Intolerable Acts.The Act closed the port ofBoston, which stopped all trade in Boston. It effected the economies of all colonies. No town meetings were allowed...Britain was in full control.
  • First Continental Congress (The First Meeting)

    First Continental Congress (The First Meeting)
    The Intolerbale Acts had led to the formation and meeting of the Continental Congress. The delegates met and discussed complaints against Britain and their unfair treatment. The three key actions the congress included was asking King George III to repeal many acts of the parliament, urged colonists to boycott goods and stop trade with them, and asked Massachusett citizens to arm themselves. When King George III recieved the requests from the Congress, he ignored it and sent more soldiers.
  • The Shot Heard 'Round the World

    The Shot Heard 'Round the World
    British troops were marching to Concord to conquer the colonists. The colonists were becoming stronger and had hidden weapons. They created the militia. which were men who were untrained farmers fighting. The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first steps to American Independance. It was the first battle of the American Revolution.
  • The Second Continental Congress (The 2nd meeting)

    The Second Continental Congress (The 2nd meeting)
    This meeting was held after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The Olive Branch Petition was a final plea for peace that was sent to King George III. Instead of agreeing, the King rejected the plea and instead prepared for war. Three key actions by Congress was forming a militia with George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, create the DOI proclaiming seperation from Britain, and create the Articles of Confederation, which established their own central government.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The DOI was created in 1776, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson. It was written to declare independence from britain and to list grievances against King George III. The first greivance was the Proclamation of 1763. The second, taxation without representation. The third, no freedom of speech. The fourth, homes were searched without warrants. The fifth, no trial by jury. Also written in the DOI was unalienable rights, which was basic rights guarenteed to people as a result of being human.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    This battle was significant because the colonies had won and received help from France. This was considered a turning point in the war because the colonies had won both parts of the battle against Britain.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    At the Valley Forge, George Washington and the Continental Army were dying of disease. starvation. and the cold weather. George Washington had trained the Continental Army in the cold with military drills. Twenty-five percent of the 10000 men had died.
  • The Article of Confederation

    The Article of Confederation
    The AoC gave little power to the federal government, and more power to the states.
    A republic is a government in which the citizens rule through elected representative. Many Americans were afraid of a strong federal government because they didnt want to lose their freedom. Having a president was like having another king George III to them. There was no federal Court system with the Articles of Confederation.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    Battle Of Yorktown
    This was the last major battle of the American Revolution.The French had helped the Americans defeat the Britain.
  • Treat of Paris of 1783

    Treat of Paris of 1783
    This treaty proclaimed the independence of US and the revolution is over. The US was now seen as an independent nation and the British gave up their land right. This gave the US a lot more territory.
  • The Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 established the procedure for the new territories gained tobecome states. All states agreed that they needed a way to develop western lands from the Treaty of Paris. The Nw O included a list of rights that gave settlers the same privileges of other citizens, but slavery was banned in the Nw territory. When a territory had 60000 free men, the legislature could apply to become a state after approval of its state constitution.
  • Constitution (1787)

    Constitution (1787)
    The Constitution had established Articles I-VII, as well as the Bill Of Rights. Articles I-III created the three branches of goverment and defined their powers and limits. The three branches of government is the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branch. The Bill of Rights held individual rights.
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787

    Constitutional Convention of 1787
    This Convention would decide how the states receive power. The New Jersey Plan supported smaller states, was one house legislature, and wanted equal representation in Congress. The Virginia Plan was supported by larger states, was a two house legislature, and wanted representation based on population size. Thus came the Great Compromise,which combined both plans, and created the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The 3-5th compromise counted 3/5 of the slave population as representative.
  • George Washington as President

    George Washington as President
    Washington was elected as 1st president of the US. During his presidency was the Whiskey Rebellion, the Federal Judiciary Act, etc. In the Whiskey Rebellion, farmers protested taxes on whiskey. Washington led troops to end the rebellion. This showed the strength of the federal gov. over the state gov. The National Bank, created by Alexander Hamilton, had helped with US debt. The FJA established the federal and state court system. Before retiring, he sent out warnings for the US.
  • Louisiana Purchase (1803)

    Louisiana Purchase (1803)
    During the purchase, Thomas Jefferson was president. Because of the purchase the size of the United States had doubled.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    During this time, James Madison was president. The cause of the War of 1812 was the impressment of US ships by British sailors. The British had interferred with US trade. This angered the US. Americans that had wanted war were called Warhawks. After the War of 1812, US manufacturing had increased after their victory.
  • James Monroe (1817)

    James Monroe (1817)
    During Monroe's presidency, was the era of good feelings. The US had defeated Britain and is victorious. Americans were joyous in every way. But, other countries weren't feeling the same way. Monroe had created the Monroe Doctrine , which isolated the US from other countries, not only protecting land, but also avoiding war.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    Tariffs were taxes on imported good. This made Americans more eager to buy domestic goods. Because of the tariffs, people bought more in the North, where domestic goods were made. The tax on foreign imports my have made the South goods manufactured in England harder to sell. South Carolina,a southern state, had threatened to secede from the US because of the tariffs. South's economy was plumeting.