Road to Revoulation by Max and Tatianna

  • The Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    The Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The English were able to defeat the Spanish Armada in 1588. This event was important because many people felt that the Spanish Armada was the most powerful at the time. English were inspired to establish colonies as the Spanish had.
  • Boston Massacre 5 Mar 1770

    Boston Massacre     5 Mar 1770
    On March 5, 1770, tensions finaly exploded into violence. A fight broke out, and the soldiers began firing. Attucks and four laborers were killed. The Sons of Liberty called the shooting the Boston Massacre. They said that Attucks and the four others had given their lives for freedom. Soon the incident became a tool for anti-British propaganda in newspaper articles, pamphlets, and posters.
  • French and Indian war

    French and Indian war
    French troops from canada March South, seize and forifty the Ohio valley. Britain protest the invasion and claims Ohio for its self
  • The Colonies and Britian Grow Apart

    The Colonies and Britian Grow Apart
    After the French and Indian war,problems arose between the Americans and Britian. Britian wanted to govern their own original 13 colonies and the territories.
  • Stamn Act

    Stamn Act
    Requiered all the legal and commercical document to carry and offical stamp showing that stamps had been paid
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    The Townshend Revenue Act
    There were taxes on glass,paint,oil,lead,paper,and tea.They were applied with the design of raising 40,000 ( florence) a year for the administration of colonies.The result was, the resurrectiion of coloinal hostilities created by the Stamp Act.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    These were a series of laws by which to punish the colonists. These acts included: Boston Port Act, which shut down Boston's Port, Impartial Administration of Justice Act, which allowed the governor of a colony to move the trial to another place, Massachusets Bay Regulating Act, which did not allow Boston to hold a town meeting, Quartering Act, where colonists housed Brithish soldiers, and the Quebec Act, which granted civil government and religious freedom for the citizens of Quebec.
  • Common Sense Is Published

    Common Sense Is Published
    In early 1776, most Americans still wanted to avoid final break with Britain. However, when the publication of a pamphlet title Common Sense helped convince many Americans that a complete break with Britain was necessary. Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine, a immigrant from England, this pamphlet made a strong case for American independence
  • The Declaration is Adopted

    The Declaration is Adopted
    Two days later on July 4, 1776, Congress adopted the document that proclaimed independence. John Hancock, the president of the congress, was the first to sighn the Declaration. The core idea of the Declaration is based on the philosophy of John Locke.This idea is that people have unalienable rights, that government cannot take away.
  • Proclaimation of the 1763

    Proclaimation  of the 1763
    • Forbidding the colonist to settle in the Appalachi mountians. The event led to the Road of Revoulation because the colonist didnt like that and they were andry with that rule so they enforcin that proclamation