Road to Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris

  • Proclaimation Act

    Forbade Britain's settlement beyond the App. Mountains.
  • The Sugar Act

    The British put a tax on Items such as Sgar and Molasses
  • The Stamp Act

    Britain put a tax on most paper product and legal documents such as: stamps, paper, birth certifricates, etc.
  • The Quartering Act

    Allows British soldiers to be housed and fed by the colonists.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    a meeting consisting of british and colonial representatives.
  • Decalration of Rights and Grievances

  • Stamp Act Repealed

    The Britsh finally lifted the tax on paper products.
  • Declaratory Act

    an act of parlament against Britian that repealed the stamp act and lessening of the sugar act.
  • Townshend Acts

    A group of acts that were passed by Charles Townshend.
  • Boston Massacre

    a street fight between the british and a few "thugs" in wich several colonists were killed.
  • Tea Act

    the last straw in all the taxes. That eventually lead the the Boston tea party.
  • Committee of Correspondence

    Shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the 13 colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonist dumped imported tea into the Boston harbor in protest of the taxes.
  • Intollerable Acts

    a series ofbad laws passed by the British Parliament
  • 1st Continental Congress

  • Lexington & Concord

    The very fist battle of the Revolutionary war. And gave birth to the phrase "The shot heard 'round the world.
  • Bunker Hill

    A battle that actually took place on a hill right next to Bunker Hill named Breed's Hill. The colonists lost but they wiped out mant of the enemy soldiers.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and entreated the king to prevent further conflict.
  • Common Sense

  • Declaration of Independance