Road to Revolution

  • 1) Treaty of Pairs

    1) Treaty of Pairs
    The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3rd, 1783 which then ended the American Revolutionary War. This document was signed in Paris By King George III of Great britan and his Representatives.
  • 2) Proclamation Act

    2) Proclamation Act
    The Proclamation Act gave the French land in the new world after the French and Indian war.
  • 3) The Sugar Act

    3) The Sugar Act
    Following the Molasses Act of 1733, Parliment passed The Sugar Act. The Sugar Act reduced the Molasses tax. It was at 6 pence before, and now would be at 3 pence.
  • 4) The Quartering Act

    4) The Quartering Act
    This law required colonists to allow British soldiers to sleep in their homes if a soldier had no other place to stay. The colonists could not turn them away.
  • 5) Stamp Act Repealed

    5) Stamp Act Repealed
    The parliament of Great Britain opposed the direct tax towards the colonies of British America. The Britain parliament wanted all the colonies to have many of their documents printed on stamped paper which was produced in London, France.
  • 6) The Stamp Act

    6) The Stamp Act
    This Act was passed by the British Parlament and it required colonists to pay for every single peice of paper they used. It was a large tax too, not a small tax
  • 7) Stamp Act Congress

    7) Stamp Act Congress
    This was the first meeting between many well respected men with in the colonies. They met in New York.
  • 8) Declaratory Act

    8) Declaratory Act
    This act came with the repealing of the Stamp Act, and it reduced the tax on sugar in the colonies.
  • 9) Townshed Act

    9) Townshed Act
    A series of 6 acts past in 1767 to add tax to pay officials and governers in England.
  • 10) Boston Massacre

    10) Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a conflict with British soldiers. A snowball fight started with the colonists throwing snowballs at the soldiers and a soldier fired on 5 inocent people.
  • 11) Committee of Correspondence

    11) Committee of Correspondence
    The group of officials from each of the colonies who had a meeting on the night of the American Revolution
  • 12) Tea Act

    12) Tea Act
    England put a tax on tea in the colonies and it pushed the colonists over the edge.
  • 13) Boston Tea Party

    13) Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest against the Birtish Government about the tax on tea in which many of the colonists dressed up like Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston harbor.
  • 14) Intolerable Acts

    14) Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Act was laws that were passed by the British Parliament to punish Massachusetts for them dumping tea into the harbor.
  • 15) 1st Continental Congress

    15) 1st Continental Congress
    The first Conteinental Congress was a meeting between twelve of the thirteen colonies in the beginning of the American Revolution. Went until October 26, 1774
  • 16) Declaration of Rights and Grievances

    16) Declaration of Rights and Grievances
    The Stamp Act Congress wrote this document to tell the british coloniest that repelled being taxed were “unconstitutional”.
  • 17) Common Sense

    17) Common Sense
    It was written was a pamphlet Thomas Paine wrote in 1775-76 about the advantages of separating from England.
  • 18) Lexington and Concord

    18) Lexington and Concord
    The first engagement between sides in the Revolutionary war. Located in Massachusetts.
  • 19) Bunker Hill

    19) Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought between the Americans and British and the British conquered the Americans in the very beginning of the American Revolution.
  • 20) Appeal to Reason Rejected

    20) Appeal to Reason Rejected
    This was a petition created by the Second Contential Congress to end further conflict between the colonies and Britian. It also helped gain trust between the Americas and Britian. This petition is also know as Olive Branch Petition.
  • 21) Declaration of Independence

    21) Declaration of Independence
    The Decleration of Independence declared that all of the thirteen colonies were independent from the Britian Empire.