Road to Revolution

  • Albany Plan of Union

    Its when seven colonies met in Albany, New York to plan a joint defense from the French. A Grand Council would represent all of the colonial assemblies. Also a president appointed by the king of England would decide on military policies and tax the colonies if needed.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    It's when Britain and France fought for control of the Ohio Valley and Canada. The Algonquins, Mohawks and the colonies fought for Britian. Britain won and gained control of all of the remaining French possessions.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    It was created to alleviate relations with natives after the French and Indian War. It started that Americans were not permitted to passed the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Sugar Act

    It was the first law passed by Parliament that raised taxes in the colonies. It increased duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies.
  • Stamp Act

    Were imposed taxes to suppor the new military force. The Stamp Act mandated the use of stamped paper or the affixing of stamps, certified payment of the tax.
  • Quartering Act of 1765

    It required the people of the colonies to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies. They did this to cut down maintenance cost of the colonial garrison. It angered many colonists, and influenced the third amendment.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    It's a meeting of delegations from many of the colonies. It was formed to protest the newly passed Stamp Act in 1765. It also sent letters of complaints to the king and parliament. This was the first sign of colonial unity and organized resistance.
  • Repeal of the Stamp Act

    Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. It was repealed because of the boycotts and Stamp Act Congress. But, it also set up the Declaratory Act.
  • Declaratory Act

    It was passed alongside the repeal of the Stamp Act. It reaffirmed complete control over the colonies, and reaffirmed sovereignty.
  • Townshend Act

    Parliament passed regulations on imports of glass, lead, paper and paint and tea. This was an indirect customs duty payable at American ports.
  • Boston Massacre

    A crowd of colonists protested against British customs agents and the presence of British troops in Boston. It resulted in five colonists killed.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston was boycotting the tea in protest of the Tea Act and would not let the ships bring the tea ashore. Colonials disguised as Indians boarded the ships and threw the tea overboard.
  • Intolerable Acts

    This was put in place to punish the people of Massachusetts for their actions in the Boston Tea Party. It restricted colonists' rights and made restrictions on town meetings.
  • Quebec Act

    It gave Catholic French Canadians religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law. This law also nullified many of the Western claims of the coast colonies by extending the boundaries of the province of Quebec to the Ohio River on the south and to the Mississippi River on the west.
  • Period: to

    First Continental Congress

    They wanted to redress colonial grievances over the Intolerable Acts. The first Continental Congress drew up several papers which included a Declaration of Rights and solemn appeals to other British-American colonies, to the king, and to the British people.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    This battle initiated the Revolutionary War between the American colonists and the British. The first shots were fired in Lexington, starting the war. It's refered to as "the shot heard around the world." The battles resulted in a British retreat to Boston and the start of the Revolutionary War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    It ended French and Indian War. Britain gained all of French Canada & all territory south of Canada & east of the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida.