Road To Civil War Timeline Project

  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    -Armed conflicts between the colonists and the red coats began in April, 1775, only beginning the movement for independence from England.
    -Leaders met in Philadelphia, appointed by the Congress to draft the Declaration of Independence.
    -Southern colonies were against independence from England, so when their troops came over to fight the colonists, the redcoats were provided areas of protection and alliance along those areas, leaving the North to fight for themselves.
  • States Vs. Federal Rights

    States Vs. Federal Rights
    -Slavery was made into a state issue with popular sovereignty and this angered the North, since they wanted to ban the spreading of slavery.

    -Jefferson and Madison created the VA and KY resolutions, which allowed the states to nullify federal laws.

    -The South used states’ rights as an argument for secession, and the North used federal power for the argument of unionism.
  • Constitution

    -Delegates in Philadelphia created and signed a new government.
    -The constitution established America's national government and gave Americans their needed rights and liberties.
    -The South wanted states' rights and the North wanted a strong central government.
  • Agrarian V. Industrial

    Agrarian V. Industrial
    -The South had an agrarian economy consisting of spread out farmers, some of which owned and thrived by means of slaves, and traded with other nations
    -The North had an industrial economy consisting of urban centers, factories, and support of tariffs
    -Differences in economies led to different interests and laws that were supported by the different regions.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    -The revolution began in Britain but was brought over to America by Samuel Slater
    -The majority of industry developed in the North and created urban centers and produced jobs
    -The new industry in the North brought the desire to protect it and Northern support of tariffs, contrary to the South.
  • Wage versus Slave Labor

    Wage versus Slave Labor
    -Southern slavery was unpaid labor for a living place and food, usually under bad conditions.
    -Wage slavery was when people got paid practically nothing to do a ton of work and they were bound to their jobs in order to eat and have a place to sleep.
    -The Northern wage slavery was not much better than the Southern slavery and both had many similarities.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    -The antifederalists wanted it to protect their rights
    -The Bill of Rights guarantees basic human rights.
    -This brought conflict to the North and South on what the government could and couldn't do.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    -The tenth amendment states that all powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution belong to the people and the states.
  • Sedition Acts

    Sedition Acts
    -An attempt by the Federalist party to suppress the power and voice of the Democratic-Republican Party.
    -During the passing of the acts, America was coming into conflict with France from impressment, which will soon lead to undeclared war.
    -The Sedition Acts created tensions among the North and South, Since it violated the Bill of Rights; the act was then declared unconstitutional and was repealed.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    -The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions were passed to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts issued by John Adams.
    -The resolutions also stated that states had the power to nullify laws deemed unconstitutional.
    -The resolutions brought tensions to the North and South when the North preferred a loose interpretation and the South wanted a strict interpretation.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    -Made by Clay
    -To prevent inequality between the slave and non-slave states
    -Slaves were illegal above 36 30' and legal below the 36 30' line
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Tariff of Abominations
    -This helped the industry of the North by imposing a high tax on imported goods
    -It became more expensive to buy imported goods that the South needed from foreign countries

    -When the South could not afford to buy goods from Britain, it made it more difficult for Britain to pay for Southern cotton
  • Nat Turner´s Rebellion

    Nat Turner´s Rebellion
    -Caused by anti-slavery movement
    -Slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia
    -Was eventually hung for treason
  • Nullification

    -From the tariffs recently passed in 1828 and 1832, South Carolina was on the verge of seceding from the Union.
    -Months after the 1832 tariff was passed, the South declared the two tariffs unconstitutional and then began to secede from the Union.
    -The crisis ended in 1833 when Henry Clay made a compromise, yet tensions were brought among the North and the South because the tariffs favored the North more.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    -America won the war and got California and other parts of the west. -The South supported the war because of Manifest Destiny

    -The North was against the war because they saw it as an unfair attempt to get in a war just to take land from Mexico
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    -Texas had won its independence recently from Mexico and was below the 36 30 line.
    -Originally, America put off the annexation of Texas to avoid a slavery conflict.
    -Texas joined the union later as a slave state due to the Missouri Compromise.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    -Made missouri compromise pointless
    -Dealt with slavery in new areas
    -Gave south fugitive slave law
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    -This was part of the Compromise of 1850 to ease tensions between the North and the South.
    -The Slave Law allowed local governments to seize and return escaped lands back to their slave state.
    -Many Northern states did not acknowledge the Fugitive Slave Law, and this angered the South because the North did not uphold their end of the deal.
  • Uncle Tomś Cabin

    Uncle Tomś Cabin
    -Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
    -Addressed issue of the every day slave life
    -Created more tensions between pro and anti slavery acts
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    -Caused by the Kansas-Nebraska Act and popular sovereignty
    -Proslavery and antislavery activists flooded Kansas to vote
    -Violence erupted as each side fought for their points of view
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    -People of kansas and nebraska had right to vote on slavery
    -Help to repeal missouri compromise
    -Created voter fraud on both sides of the slavery issue
  • Brooks Attacks Sumner

    Brooks Attacks Sumner
    -Charles Sumner was bashing the South for problems in Kansas
    -Sumner Talked badly about SC Senator Andrew Butler, a distant cousin of SC Representative Preston Brooks
    -Brooks beat Sumner with a cane on the Senate floor, intensely angering the North
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    -A slave, Dred Scott, sued for his freedom because his owner died and he lived in a free state
    -Scott sued for his freedom and eventually lost in the Supreme Court
    -The case determined that blacks weren't citizens, treated as property and the Missouri Compromise was now illegal
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    -Lincoln debated over the issue of slave and free states with Stephen Douglas
    -Douglas came up with Freeport Doctrine- the idea that slavery needed laws to exist
    -Increased Lincolnś national popularity for the next presidential election
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    Raid on Harper's Ferry
    -Abolitionist John Brown attacked the military institution with the intent of arming slaves and sparking a revolt
    -Brown was captured and put to death along with followers
    -Northern abolitionists felt Brown was a martyr and Southerners viewed him as a terrorist who represented the entire North
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    -The Democratic party was split on Douglas´ policy of Freeport Doctrine
    -Lincoln won the election as a minority president because he didn't have the majority of the popular vote
    -The South felt that they were not being represented because no Southern states voted for Lincoln and thought their interests would be put to the curb