
Road To Civil War

By akk__20
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    Agrarian vs Industrial

    Agrarian societies depend on agriculture, for it is its primary source for support.
    Industrial societies are motivated by the use of technology.
    It will enable mass production of goods and materials will less work
    The large population will now be provided with jobs at the factories.
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    Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution resulted in machines changing people's way of life.
    Interchangeable parts allowed product and machine to be fix without having to make a whole new one
  • Wage vs Slave

    Wage vs Slave
    Wage slavery was when a slave would be paid for working
    It was the difference from being owned and being rented
    The North commonly had these
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    A document written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, (2 more) to cut all relations with Great Britain and to forever be considered as a free, independent nation.
    This gave the people the right to do what they want without the approval of the British parliament's increasing nationalism through the country.
  • Constitution

    The prohibition of slavery was not in the Constitution allowing for the Idea to dwell and form more problems
    South- slavery
    North- no slavery
    Wasn’t ratified by the necessary 9 states until 1788
    Written to establish America’s national government and fundamental laws. Also it granted certain rights for the American people
  • Sedition Acts

    Sedition Acts
    Made voting harder for immigrants
    created in preparation for the anticipated war with France
    South didn’t like the alien and sedition acts so in 1799, kentucky passed a resolution that allowed states to nullify objectionable federal laws.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    The addition to the constitution which stated that the powers not belonging specifically to the government are meant for either the states or its people (state vs federal government)
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The first 10 amendments in the Constitution which helped to protect the people from the government, which meant the preservation of their rights as a United States citizen.
    It was not originally a part of the constitution because some thought it was already said in the document within the words, but the south would not sign to the constitution until a formal list of the rights was added as part of the document.
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    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Strengthened commercial north and weakened the agrarian south.
    Took position of the Alien and Sedition acts
    South believed in nullification, north did not
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Anti slavery and pro slavery tensions were rising within congress
    Tensions reached a boiling point when Missouri had requested for admission into the union as a slave state in 1819
    To keep the peace in congress, they created two parts to the compromise, granting Missouri’s request and admitting Maine into the union as a free state
    This created tensions between the North and South because Missouri wanted to become a slave state and it messed up the free to slave states in congress
  • Tariff of Abomination

    Tariff of Abomination
    Protected American industry from cheaper British Commodities. Opposition to the rise of taxes on raw materials led the South into the Nullification Crisis.
    South was against the North on the Tariff causing tensions
    South couldn’t sell to North and couldn’t sell to other countries??
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    Nat Turner’s Rebellion

    Happened in Southampton County, Virginia, had the highest number of fatalities caused by a slave uprising
    Nat turner's rebels slaves killed 55 to 65 white people
    Fear was spread all across the South and the North supported the rebellion and other rebellions like this
    This event created tensions between the North and the South because the North used slave revolts like this to spread Anti-slavery
  • States vs Federal Rights

    States vs Federal Rights
    South Carolina threatened to secede
    Sc threatened to secede because the new tariffs were too high
    Congressed passed a compromise tariff law,reducing the tariff over 10 years
    Southern states believed in nullification and northern states believed that the US supreme court was the only one to declare a law unconstitutional.
  • Nullification

    High tariffs (tariff of Abominations), John C. Calhoun, theory of nullification, SC threatens secession
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Was the addition of the Republic of Texas into the United States of America
    Southern states support Texas slavery.
    The North feared expansion of slavery and war with Mexico
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    Mexican American War

    A dispute over whether Texas ended at the Rio Grande or at the Nueces River.
    The compromise of 1850 which was passed because of the war helped lead to the conditions of the Civil War.
    California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming gave themselves to the US this brought up the issue of slaves states causing more tensions between the North and the South.
  • Fugitive Slave Laws

    Fugitive Slave Laws
    Slaves escaped from one state into another.
    The laws were put into place to help warn slaves of "slaves hunters"
    The south wanted their slaves back.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California wanted to become a part of the U.S (free state)
    Messed up the balance between free and slave states in congress
    Southern states demanded stronger fugitive slave Acts/laws
    This created tensions between the North and South because the North outnumbered the South in congress, so the southern states demanded stronger fugitive slave acts/laws
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    Was a part of the 1850 compromise and allowed bounty hunters to go into the northern territory to get runaway slaves
    Anyone caught trying/helping slaves runaway would be put in jail or hung (a lot of Quakers were put in jail)
    Angered a lot of Northern people (Anti-slavery)
    This created tensions between the North and South because the southerners were the only people who benefitted from it and it angered the Anti-slavery people in the North.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Novel written by a women in the North and laid down the groundwork of the Civil War
    Angered southerners and many of them bought the book just to burn it, northern states liked it because it helped with the anti slavery cause

    The novel showed how southerners treated their slaves and Anti-slavery people wanted change
    Created tensions between the North and the South because it the book encouraged many anti slavery people to push for the abolishment of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not slavery is allowed. This is known as popular sovereignty
    This act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820
    This increased violence between slaveholders and abolitionists.
  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    "Bleeding Kansas"
    Refers to the violence that happened in the Kansas territory as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
    The North was anti-slavery while the South was pro-slavery
    Popular sovereignty determined whether or not the territories were a free or slave state. This increased tensions between the North and the South.
  • Brooks Attacks Sumner

    Brooks Attacks Sumner
    Preston Brooks of South Carolina beat Charles Sumner of Massachusetts with a cane in the Senate Chamber
    It was a response to a speech in which Sumner attacked institution of slavery and pro-slavery Senators
    Sectionalism increased as anti-slavery propagandist increased. Sumner became a martyr in the North while Brooks became a hero in the South
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    Dred Scott was a slave in a free state who argued for emancipation
    The court found that no black, free or slave, could claim U.S. citizenship
    This increased sectionalism as the North fought against this verdict and the South agreed with it.
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    Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Illinois state election campaign between Stephen A. Douglas and Abraham L
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    Raid on Harper’s Ferry

    Led by John Brown, an extreme abolitionist.
    His intent was to arm slaves to help them gain their freedom. The result of the revolt was him and his army’s surrender and the court pleaded guilty of his actions.
    Sectionalism rose as the south thought of Brown as a representative of northern ideas towards the south’s slavery-heavy economy.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The candidates of this elections were: Lincoln, Douglas, Breckinridge, and Bell. They all had different views towards the legality of slavery. Lincoln eventually won the election without any southern electoral votes.
    Sectionalism rose as the southern states’ fear increased and the consideration of seceding from the union crushes the northern ideas of preserving the union.