Imgres 4

River Between Us Timeline- Sam #37

  • Event #1

    Event #1
    Howard Leland Hutchings takes a car ride with his father to Grand Tower to learn the past of his elders. After they arrive at Grand tower, Illinois the story flashes back to the civil war, and Tilly becomes the new narrator.
  • Period: to

    River Between Us- Sam #37

  • Event #2

    Event #2
    The civil war has started, and Noah is interested in joining. If he joins the war his family would be put under a lot of stress because Noah's father, Paw has already gone off to war.
  • Event #3

    Event #3
    There is a party in Grand Tower, while this happens a steamboat arrives with Delphine and Calinda. There was a lot of controversy behind Calinda because she acted as a slave (Grand Tower was free). Also Mama invites Delphine and Calinda into their home.
  • Event #4

    Event #4
    Delphine buys many oil lamps, which make the Pruitt house "bright as day".
  • Event #5

    Event #5
    A woman from the town of Grand Tower comes to the Pruitt's home and warns them about Delphine and Calinda because she thinks that they are signaling the south with oil lamps.
  • Event #6

    Event #6
    Calinda and Cass become friends because of how different they are. Calinda can read cards to tell the future, and Cass "can see dead people".
  • Event #7

    Event #7
    There was a dance in Grand Tower, and Calinda dances. Calinda is an amazing dancer, later Delphine tells Tilly that Calinda is a famous dancer from the New Orleans and her real name is Coincoin, but they call her Calinda because that was the name of her dance.
  • Event #8

    Event #8
    Calinda creates happiness for the Pruitt family because she sells her New Orleans pralines on the dock.
  • Event #9

    Event #9
    Tilly and Curry receive a letter, that says Noah has gone to fight for the South. This tells them that Noah is soon going to be sent to war.
  • Event #10

    Event #10
    Noah runs away from home, Mama goes crazy because of fear and depression.
  • Event #11

    Event #11
    Tilly figures out that Delphine and Calinda are sisters. She also figures her family background; Delphine is 1/2 black, but can pass as white and Calinda is 1/2 black, but can pass as Spanish.
  • Event #12 (Climax)

    Event #12 (Climax)
    Noah leaves to war, and his mother breaks down because of the fear that she will loose both her husband and son in the war.
  • Period: to

    River Between Us Timespan

  • Falling Action #1

    Falling Action #1
    Tilly and Delphine take a train to Cairo, where solders are camped out. They try to find Noah, who is very sick, but still wants to fight.
  • Falling Action #2

    Falling Action #2
    Noah gets shot in the war, and is ended up having to amputate his arm.
  • Falling Action #2 (The Resolution)

    Falling Action #2 (The Resolution)
    It is agents Delphine's culture to be married to a white man, so Delphine and Noah "pretend" to be married. Also Tilly and Dr. William Hutchings get married!
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
  • Lincoln's Inuguaration

    Lincoln's Inuguaration
  • Battle of Belmont

    Battle of Belmont