Rise of the Media

  • Instagram Ads

    In 2014, Instagram started showing ads in user feeds. This certainly created a new form of advertisement and commercialization for the platform.
  • 200 million Instagram users

    Instagram reaches 200 million users. This is significant because more and more people are creating profiles online in addition to other forms​ like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
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    Rise of the Media

  • Instagram stories & Facebook Live

    The rise of Instagram stories and Facebook live creates a more vlog style media platform for users
  • Fake News

    During the presidential election,​ there was swirling disinformation on the internet and lots of focus on fake news within the media.
  • Vine ended

    The app vine shut down but vines can be viewed on Twitter. This was an important event because it stresses that some content does not work out and is simply a trend during a period of time while other sites prevail.
  • Twitter increases character limit

    Initially, Twitter allowed 140 noneditable character tweets. They increased it to 280 characters which allowed users to have more to say.
  • #MeToo Movement

    Social media played a pivotal role in the movement against sexual assault and harassment. This was an example of how social media encourages participation and awareness within movements and politics.
  • Virtual Reality

    360-degree videos and games were created. This was quite significant because it simulates a real-life experience and has taken technology​ to another level.
  • Cambridge Analytica Scandal

    A political scandal that allowed a firm to have access to personal information from peoples Facebook profile to influence advertisements. This an important event to remember because many people were upset and wanted to sabotage Facebook