
Revolutionary War Timeline

By Riva
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    -The Stamo Act was passed in March, 1765. This was the first direct tax on the American colonies. The purpose of this act is to raise revenue to pay for the cost of Seven Years War.
    -The colonists did not want to pay because they thought it was taxation without representations. Therefore, they enacted boycotts of British goods and the radical groups harassed tax collectors. The Stamp Act was repealed next year.
  • The Stamp Act (2)

    -This event is important because it unified colonists together to protest. A Stamp Act Congress was convened in the colonies. Colonists started to protesting not tolerate.
    -The failure of Stamp Act led the issue of Declaratory Act and Townshend Revenue Act.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    -On March 5, 1770, an incident happpened between patriots and British soldiers. About 50 angry townspeople threw snowballs, stones and sticks to a group of nine British soldiers. The soldiers opened fire without command to the crowd, and killed five men and wounded six men. The commender and his solders were arrested the next day.
    -This event increased the nervous tension and anti-British sentiment in the city.
  • The Boston Massacre (2)

    -The event led the British Parliament evacuated troops from Boston and repealed the Townshend duties but left one tax on tea. This tax later led the Tea Act and Boston Tea Party.
    -This made the colonists closer since colonists realize that the bloody incidents could happen not only in Boston also in other colonies. They should unite together.
  • The Boston Tea Party (2)

    -The incident made the British parliament so they made the Boston Harbor closed and town meetings banned. It also led a series of acts issued by British parliament called Coercive Acts.
    -This event was important because colonist started to react and protest. They did not only protest by words, they did it by actions. The events and the coming acts led the Intolerable Act and the First Continental Congress. It can be seen as a fuse to the revolutionary war.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    -On December 16, 1773, a group of Bostonians, disguised as Native Americans, boarded on three British ships which were in the Boston harbor and threw 342 chests tea in the sea. The damage was more than three quarters of million dollars.
    -This was a protest to the Tea Act which gave the British East India Company a tea monopoly.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    -On September 5, 1774, delegates from each colony except Georgia met at the First Continental Congress to react to the Tolerable Act. A declaration of colonial rights was drafted and sent to London.
    -Though it was not really effective, the First Continental Congress was significant because this was the first time that Americans sat together to discuss political decision. This event made colonists closer and become a more connected group. Also, this led to the Second Continental Congress.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    -On April 18, 1775, British General sent a few hundreds soldiers to destroy gunpowder of colonists in Concord. Also, they planned to captured Samuel Adams and John Hancock who were the two main leaders. Colonial patriots found out the intension of British and spread the word to prevent.
    -Local minutemen gathered in Lexington and fought with the British. Later, they went to Concor, defeated the British and forced them to go back to Boston.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord. (2)

    -This event is significant because the first shot was fired in Lexington and this was the start of the revolutionary war. This event also led the convene of the Second Continental Congress.