Renaissance & Reformation

  • Jul 21, 1266


    Giotto was a artist who started painting in a newer, different way than all the other painters. He started to make the human figures more detailed and show the beauty of a human. He was living in the Renaissance when he started to change his ways. He would make the figures more 3D and solid.
    Art Reading & Review
  • Mar 3, 1301

    The Papal Schism

    The Papal Schism
    The king tried to tax the French clergy in 1301. He later was arrested and threatened to excommunication by the pope. He eventually was released. Most people thought that the french kings controlled the church too much.
    Martin Luther & Reformation
  • Jan 17, 1377

    Three Popes

    Three Popes
    One of the six next popes was Gregory. The six popes lived in Avignon. In 1377 Gregory moved the pacay back to Rome. When he died all the cardinals did not like the newest pope. That made them elected a new pope.
    Martin Luther & Reformation
  • Feb 22, 1401

    Education in the Renaissance

    Education in the Renaissance
    Back then for education they would focus on reading, writing, & math. Their topics would be centered around religion. Middle upper -class boys would be the ones who got to go. Sometimes high educated poor boys could go as well.
    Life During the Renaissance
  • Jul 15, 1415

    Jas Hus

    Jas Hus
    He was burned at stake because of what he said about the church. He was questioning the vast wealth of the church. In 1415 he was executed.
  • Jun 3, 1420

    Filippo Brunelleschi

    Filippo Brunelleschi
    The builder/designer of the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence was Filippo Brunelleschi and his enemy Lorenzo Ghiberti. He put together all the calculations and the structure of the dome part.
    Artistic Movements of Renaissance
  • May 1, 1430

    Arnault de Zwolle - Harpsichord Mechanism

    Arnault de Zwolle - Harpsichord Mechanism
    An instrument made during the Renaissance time. It's a smaller version of the piano. Instead of hitting the strings with a hammer it plucks them.
  • Period: Feb 15, 1434 to

    The Medici's

    A rich family who had four popes and two French queens. They had control over Florence in the 1434 to 1737. There was a fall in the west side of the Roman Empire that caused quite a few prominent families that took over the city and fought for themselves. The Medici family was one of those families for many centuries.
  • Feb 22, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    This one of the most important inventions of history. Johannes Gutenberg created it. It would copy different artwork or writings .
  • Feb 21, 1450

    Family during the Renaissance

    Family during the Renaissance
    Families during the Renaissance is quite different than families now days. Back then girls by the age of 2-3 would already have marriage arrangements. The fathers would set it all up for them. They husband or the father would be the top person in the family. He would run everything and would be in charge of everyone.
    Life during the Renaissance
  • Feb 22, 1450

    Fashion & Clothing in the Renaissance

    Fashion & Clothing in the Renaissance
    Fashion in the Renaissance would state out how rich or important they are. Rich people would wear multiple pieces of clothing, multiple colors and different materials.
    Life during the Renaissance
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo de Vinci

    Leonardo de Vinci
    Leonardo de Vinci was a famous painter who was born in 1452 in a village of Vinci. Vinci's name means Leonardo of Vinci. His whole career started when he was working for a painter in Florence. As time went on his name became more popular, he was a real "Renaissance Man".
    Art Reading & Review
  • Mar 6, 1475

    Michelangelo Buonarroti

    Michelangelo Buonarroti
    This painter was one of the best painters in the world. He was a "Renaissance Man" just like Leonardo was. He was an architect, a sculptor and an artist. He sculpted a sculptor of Moses and made all his veins and his muscles.
    Art Reading & Review
  • Jan 1, 1483


    Raphael was an artist who achieved beauty in art that no one else could see. Most people admire his paintings of Madonna.
    Art Reading & Review
  • Feb 22, 1496


    Wallpaper was created from the idea of paper. It was used by upper class and royalty for quite awhile. It was a popular thing and still is.
  • Feb 14, 1508

    Sistine Chapel

    Sistine Chapel
    The Sistine Chapel is one of the most popular paintings in the world. This painting is on the ceiling of the chapel in the Apostolic Palace. The painting doesn't please everyone, especially Cardinal Biagio de Cesena. He stated out, "The crowd of more than 300 human figures would be more appropriate in a wine shop than in a papal chapel." Michelangelo painted Biagio in the Last Judgement to respond to this criticism.
    Art Reading & Review
  • Feb 22, 1513

    The Prince

    The Prince
    Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince. This book is about how he thinks a leader should act or work. At the time is was one of the most popular books.
  • Feb 22, 1517

    Pope Leo X

    Pope Leo X
    The church selling indulgences was the worst things they could do. Indulgences are meant for people who are trying to spend little time in Purgatory.
  • Oct 30, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Martin Luther stated 95 statements/ideas and wrote them down on paper. He put this paper on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church.
    Martin Luther & Reformation
  • Jun 4, 1534

    The Bible

    The Bible
    Before Luther came along, the bible was in Latin. Only high church officials and others who could read Latin could read the bible. Luther rewrote it and made it into the turning point of Reformation.
    Martin Luther & Reformation
  • Lenses

    In Netherlands, the first pair of microscope lenses were made. Later came glasses & telescopes to see space.
  • Romeo & Juliet

    Romeo & Juliet
    Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular plays in the world. It's about two teenagers, Romeo & Juliet, their families are rivals with each other but the two teens fall in love then end up killing themselves to be with each other.
    (My own knowledge from last year English class)
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes
    He was the creator of the math rule Descartes. He is the "father" of modern philosophy as well. Today we still use mathematical terms he helped come up with.
  • William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    He is known as one of the greatest writers in history. He wrote multiple books and plays. Some of them are ones that are very important literary works. For example Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet.