
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Bubonic plague

    Bubonic plague
    It was a disease that spread through Europe and killed a third of it's population.This was an important event during the renaissance because it really was an alarm for the people that health care mattered a lot. The picture shows a priest trying to treat people who have been affected by the bubonic plague. I got the picture from google Info:
    *1 JAN means that there is no specific date
  • Period: Feb 28, 1347 to

    Renaissance period

  • Jan 1, 1420

    Filipo Brunelleschi creates the linear perspective

    Filipo Brunelleschi creates the linear perspective
    He was one of the first renaissance artists to work with making pieces of art more realistic, one of which was the linear perspective.His techniques were very useful in pursuing the goals of Renaissance art, and they greatly affected the artists who followed. We care about this because without it we would not have as much artistic talent as we have now. This image shows the linear perspective
  • Jan 1, 1439

    Cosimo de Medici takes rule of florence

    Cosimo de Medici takes rule of florence
    Cosimo de Medici consolidated the power of Florence in his and his family's hands, beginning the reign of the Medici that would last in Florence until the end of the Renaissance.He basically changed Italy into one of the most powerful countries during the renaissance. He is also a great role model for current leaders right now. The picture shows cosimo de medici,
  • Jan 1, 1439

    Johann Gutenberg and the printing press

    Johann Gutenberg and the printing press
    The printing press was a machine designed to let people write books once, and if they needed to make it again, all they had to do was print it out again. It has made a lasting impact because if we still had to handwrite books, not so many books would have been written. Books are our main source of education (for most) This picture is of the printing press when it was first made:
    There is no specific date
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther was born

    Martin Luther was born
    Martin Luther Nailed his 95 theses' onto the door of the church and he was also a very important figure when it came to religion for Germany. He is remembered as a controversial figure, not only because his writings led to significant religious reform and division, but also because in later life he took on essential positions on other questions, including his pronouncements against Jews. The picture is of Martin Luther.
  • Jan 1, 1487

    Da vinci's war machines

    Da vinci's war machines
    Da Vinci was a smart man who made these design's on war machines that were to be used later in time. It has changed the way we, as humans think about war and machinery used in it because without it we would not be as powerful as we as humans already are. But it also has it's bad sides. This picture shows a tank which was one of Da Vinci's most prized designs and ideas that is still used today
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Christopher columbus finds land

    Christopher columbus finds land
    Christopher Columbus found America along with his crew. It took him 2 months and 9 days to get to Cuba.The impact that it has made is that without Christopher Columbus curiosity, we would not know a lot about the continents which is why he is very important.This picture shows Columbus tryign to communicate to the native people of south America.
  • Dec 27, 1571

    Johannes Kepler's birth

    Johannes Kepler's birth
    Johannes Kepler was basically a mathematician and an astronomer. He came up with 3 important laws of nature. As some may say, "he paved the way for the newtonian revolution". And what is amazing is that his book is the first published account where in a scientist documents how he has survived with a lot of data that had not been perfect to forge a theory of great accuracy. The image is of 'Mr Kepler" himself
  • Rene descartes is born

    Rene descartes is born
    Rene Descartes was a philosopher and a writer of some of the most famous and important writings ever known to man. He went on to be the first to describe the physical universe in terms of matter and motion, seeing the universe a as giant mathematically designed engine.  That gave us a better understanding of the solar system in general and also a different view of it apart from Copernicus' view. Descartes is writing in this imageInfo:
  • Galileo Galilei creates the telescope

    Galileo Galilei creates the telescope
    He created an improved version of the spyglass (telescope). This is significant because it has allowed man kind to study the universe more in depth and accurately than possible with the naked eye. It helps map out the stars, planets, moons, and whole galaxies. Without the telescope, we would just be curious human beings not knowing about the universe around us. This is a portrait of Galileo in 1636.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus was convicted of heresy

    Nicolaus Copernicus was convicted of heresy
    He was a polish astronomer and mathematician who came up with the conclusion that the earth was not in the center of the earth but instead the sun was. Without his curiosity, we would not know about important things nowadays such as astronomy and he also went against Ptolemy's conclusion that the earth was the center of the universe. This picture was of Nicolaus Copernicus' theory of the solar system
  • Isaac Newton is born

    Isaac Newton is born
    He created theories of the laws of motion. These are significant because they form the most natural appealing physical theory. They also lay the groundwork for later physics developments. His Laws are important because we cannot understand any physical process without first understanding his basic principles. The picture shows all of his lawsInfo:'s-laws